Ëthia: Chapter 24 ~We Got This~

Start from the beginning

"Because If I wasn't there then none of you would of been hurt".

I knew exactly where he was coming from, that's how I felt when anyone here got hurt, it feels like it's all my fault because without me they wouldn't of been in these situations, "Trust me, whether or not you were here we would of found trouble, don't be so hard on yourself".

Ivan had a little smile appear on his face and he thanked me and walked away.

"So here's some bread and cheese I found" Felicity said as she came closer to me, "We just got it today so it should be fresh".

She picked up her dress and sat down next to me and began talking to Jarom, "So how long is this boat ride exactly?"

"From what the captain of the ship said it should take us about six days".

"Six days?!" Felicity proclaimed.

"Is that good or bad?" Jarom asked.

"It's a bad thing!" Felicity said looking at him more intensely, "Six days is a long time on a boat, in the middle of the ocean, where anything could happen."

I tugged on Felicity's sleeve and she looked down at me with big pupils.

"Are you scared of water?".

Her reaction to my question was a simple head nod.

"I had no idea".

"I'm not scared of water, as in a cup of water or something, but I am scared of big bodies of water. I just feel vulnerable and even weaker than I already am".

"You mustn't worry, Felicity" Jarom insured, "We are right here for you, nothing bad will happen during the time we are there".

Felicity gave a weak smile and turned her head away and I assumed she got lost in thought.

In the space of a few minutes Ivan and Dax made there way over to us and sat down and started up a conversation about their homelands and people they had left behind, we all listened with interest getting to know them even better and that's when I felt I needed to tell them about my experience with my mother.

The forest went quiet and you could hear the rushing of the air going by much clearer, if anytime was good enough to say something it would be now.

"I saw my mother".

Once again all I heard was the wind blowing by and nothing else.

Slowly I lifted off of Jarom and looked at all of them as they looked back at me.

"Did you not hear what I said?" I asked gently.

"We did" Felicity answered quietly.

"Then why do you not ask more questions about how it's possible, or what was said, or anything really".

They all went quiet once more and it was irritating me beyond belief, "Someone tell me what's going on!" I spoke with power and authority.

Ivan's eyes met with mine and quickly he darted them away from me, "Ivan, what's going?"

Slowly his eyes crawled back to my gaze and he said something quietly that I didn't understand.

"What was that?" I asked moving closer to him.

"We already know" He said a little louder.

"Know what?!" I responded loudly, "Talk to me like you normally would!".

His face got more intense and he let it all out, "We heard your entire conversation with your mother, from beginning to end, not a single detail left out. On the second day you began talking to your mother, and on the night of that day you stopped."

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