Nine - Don't Say That

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Don’t Say That

Life goes on as normal. I work most afternoons at the car shop and Alex performs at the restaurant. We barely see each other in school, other than to say hi when we pass, but we spend our days off work hanging out by the bay or the shops.

It’s around the middle of autumn when Alex comes up to me during school, grabs my hand and drags me away from the group.

‘What are you doing this afternoon?’ he asks me when we are out of earshot.

‘Working at the shop,’ I say.

‘Not anymore,’ he gives me a cheeky smile, ‘Dad’s giving you the day off so we can go on date number four.’

I can’t help but smile.

‘So we’ve laid low for long enough?’ I ask.

‘Yeah, most of the schools have stopped asking questions so we’ve started up the competition again.’

‘That’s awesome,’ my smile grows wider.

‘Yeah, so this afternoon you’re coming back to my house instead.’

‘Cool, meet me at my locker when the bell goes.’

‘Will do.’

With that, he runs off back to his friends. I go back to my friends.

‘What was that about?’ Jesse whispers in my ear.

‘Date number four,’ I reply.

She smiles and winks at me and I wink back.

As I’m getting on the bus, Alex pulls a camera out of his pocket and snaps a picture. I frown at him and follow the rest of the guys to the back of the bus.

‘What was that for?’ I ask him.

‘Our date,’ he laughs.

‘Can I know what it is yet?’

‘Nope, I’ll tell you when we get off.’

‘Fine,’ I sigh.

We take our seats. I turn around to hear what the other guys are talking about.

‘I’m up to date three with Cassie Mores,’ one of them laughs.

‘Yeah, well I made it to date seven with Bridget Hine,’ another says.

‘Yeah, before she dumped your ass,’ the first says as they all burst into laughter.

‘Oi, Alex, what date are you guys on?’ another asks.

I turn my attention to the window.

‘That is none of your business,’ Alex replies.

‘Come on man, we’re your bros,’ the third one says.

‘I’m still not gonna tell you,’ Alex winks at me.

‘Dude, what happened to bros before hoes?’ a fourth asks.

Alex stiffens and turns around to face him. If looks could kill, this guy would be in so much trouble.

‘What did you call her?’ he says through gritted teeth.

‘Dude, I didn’t mean it, it’s just a saying,’ the guy pleads.

‘If you ever call a girl something like that again, I’ll punch you so hard you’ll be throwing up stuff you ate as a kid,’ Alex threatens before turning back to face me, ‘sorry about them.’

‘It doesn’t matter,’ I turn back to the window.

He puts his arm around my shoulders and forces me to lean on him.

‘No, it does matter. Those guys have no respect.’

‘We can hear you,’ one of them says.

Alex turns around again.

‘Really? I had no idea,’ he says sarcastically.

‘You’re a real dick sometimes, man,’ the one he threatened says.

‘Yet I’m the one going on dates,’ Alex retorts.

‘Yeah, with a friend, not a girlfriend.’

‘At least girls will talk to me and not run away when I get close to them.’

The boy has nothing to say to that. Alex stands, taking my hand and pulling me up with him.

‘This is our stop,’ he mumbles, picking up both our bags.

I scan my card and jump off after him. He drops both our bags and punches the side of the bus stop. I grab his hand before he can do it again.

‘He’s a dick,’ I say.

‘You got that right,’ he laughs.

‘But he’s also your friend,’ I say.

‘I have no idea why I let him hang around,’ he tries to make me let go of his hand.

‘Because you’re a nice guy,’ I say.

‘Yeah, well sometimes I wish I wasn’t.’

‘Don’t say that.’

‘Why not?’

Because that’s one of the reasons why I love you.

‘Because that’s why everyone loves you,’ I say.

‘Yeah right,’ he mutters.

‘It’s true,’ I say, ‘now come on, we got off three stops too soon.’

He laughs.

‘Sorry,’ he says, giving me a small smile.

‘It’s fine,’ I reply.

I pick up our bags, he takes his, and he leads me back to his house.

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