Eight - You're Amazing

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You’re Amazing

The bus ride with Alex and his friends is much better this time. Just as Alex promised before, I get to sit next to him in the two seater in front of the others instead of the middle seat. On the walk to his dad’s work, he carries the bag with my change of clothes in it for me. At the shop, his dad, Rick, greats me with a welcoming smile and Alex directs me to the bathroom so I can get changed into black jeans and a light-blue peasant blouse.

Then Alex shows me to the front room and teaches me how to answer the phone. We practise a few times by him calling and then asking me questions actual customers would ask, like how much it would cost to have an engine looked at or to book a time to bring their car in. After half an hour of practicing, Alex and his dad let me give the real phone a shot. After not two minutes the phone rings and I pick it up.

‘Hello, Rick’s Automobiles, Savannah speaking,’ I say clearly into the receiver.

‘Hi, Savannah,’ Charlene’s voice sings cheerfully down the phone, ‘how’s your first day going?’

‘It’s going good,’ I say, ‘what can I help you with?’

‘I was just wondering if my son is there?’ she asks.

‘Yes he is,’ I turn around in the swivel chair, ‘Alex.’

I hand the phone to him and he takes it.

‘Hello?’ he asks, ‘really, tonight? . . . I’ll get there right away . . . I think Savannah’s had enough fun for one night . . . see you soon . . .love you too, Mum.’

He passes me the phone and I hang it up.

‘What’s happening?’ his dad asks, walking into the room and wiping grease off his hand with a dirty rag.

‘Phone is all yours again,’ Alex says to him, ‘Mum’s coming to pick me and Savannah up.’

‘But I need her,’ Rick argues.

‘Dad, you got by without her for the past four months, you can do it again for one more day,’ he stands up and gestures for me to follow him.

‘After today, Alex,’ Rick says sternly, ‘no more stealing my phone girl until her shift is over.’

‘You got it, Dad,’ he says as we leave the room.

We pick up our bags and go out to the front of the shop where Charlene is waiting for us. Alex sits in the front and I sit in the back again. Charlene drives us to my dad’s restaurant.

‘What are we doing here?’ I ask.

‘My band’s auditioning now,’ Alex says, opening the door for me.

He gets his guitar out of the boot of the car and runs up the stairs and through the door. Three other guys are already on the stage setting up.

‘Thanks for joining us, Alex,’ Jason, the one setting up the drums, laughs.

‘Hey, I only just got the call ten minutes ago,’ he retaliates.

‘Whatever,’ Travis, the guy on bass, says unenthusiastically.

‘Just start setting up,’ the pianist, Joe, yells.

Alex gives me an apologetic smile before jumping onto the stage and setting up his guitar and microphone. My dad comes out of the kitchen and walks over to me.

‘You better be right about these guys,’ he says.

‘Come on, you love them,’ I say.

‘Yes, but will they?’ he gestures to the customers sitting at tables and enjoying their meals.

‘I’m sure they will.’

‘Hey, Sav, get up here,’ Alex yells from the stage.

I run to the edge of the stage and he helps me up.

‘I’m guessing that they,’ he points to the audience, ‘are the thing standing between us and weekly gigs?’

‘Daily gigs,’ I correct.

‘Oh,’ he gives a nervous chuckle.

‘Are you ready?’ I ask him.

‘Yeah, you can introduce us,’ he says.

‘What? No,’ I say.

‘Come on,’ he pushes me in front of the microphone, ‘do your stuff.’

‘Umm,’ my voice echoes around the room, ‘hey everyone,’ all the customers turn to look up at me, ‘this is The Hunted Hearts and they will be your entertainment for this evening.’

I quickly jump off the stage and Alex takes my place at the microphone.

‘Hey, I’m Alex and this is Jason, Travis and Joe,’ he gestures to each of the boys, ‘as Savannah said, we are The Hunted Hearts and this is Tack.’

Jason starts up a beat on the drums and they break into the song. I watch the audience, and Alex, as they perform four songs, Tack, Catch You, Shut Up and Never Thought. When their set is done, they climb down from the stage. All four boys stand expectantly in front of me and my dad.

‘So?’ Alex is the only one brave enough to ask.

‘Well,’ my dad drags out the pause, ‘you got the gig.’

‘Yes,’ all the boys say and hi five each other.

Alex pulls me into a hug.

‘Well done,’ I say, ‘you’re amazing.’

He steps back and holds me at arm’s length, smiling brightly. I smile back. Then he steps back and coughs to cover his awkwardness. I step back too and stare at my feet.

‘Come on, Sav,’ my dad says, ‘let the boys pack up and pick up an apron. You may as well help me while you’re here.’

‘Sure thing, Dad,’ I say, turning away from Alex.

‘See you tomorrow, Savannah,’ Alex says softly.

‘See you tomorrow, Alex,’ I say, following my dad to the kitchen.

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