Thirty - Are You Drunk

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Are You Drunk

The funeral is supposedly small; only close friends and family. Which by Hershel family standards means every single living family member and every single person who ever met Rick turns up to pay their respects.

Mum, Larry and I stand with Alex, Connie and Charlene at the front of the church. Rick wasn’t religious, but his mum was a devout Christian so in his will he stated he wanted his funeral to be held in a church. Charlene, Connie and Alex all give speeches. While the minister is speaking, Alex looks up at me. I give him a small smile. Tears slip down his cheeks as he smiles back.

And then he starts to laugh. At first it is soft, and I giggle along with him. But it slowly turns into a full laugh. I can’t help but laugh with him.

Then, as suddenly as we started, we both stop. Everyone in the room is quiet and staring at us. Alex looks around. Then he stands, nods at Charlene and Connie, and walks down the aisle of the church and out the doors. We all stare after him. After a moment, I stand and follow him out.

‘I fucking laughed!’ he yells and punches the side of the church.

I grab his arm and pull him into a hug.

‘So did I,’ I whisper.

‘Why did we laugh?’ he steps back, holding his hand gently.

Blood drips from some of his fingers.

‘I think I broke my hand,’ he says.

He stares at his hand, a confused look on his face. I take his broken hand in mine. I do my best to ignore the blood.

‘We should get you to the hospital,’ I say.

‘Probably,’ he laughs sadly.

Then he sits down and leans against the wall.

‘Shouldn’t we get someone to drive?’ I ask.

‘Nope,’ he shakes his head, ‘we’ll wait until it’s finished.’

‘But your hand,’ I start.

‘Will be fine for a few more minutes,’ with his good hand, he pulls me down beside him.

He rests his injured hand on his lap and closes his eyes.

‘You know, only one good thing has happened to me this year,’ he says sadly.

‘I’m sure that’s not true,’ I reply.

‘No, seriously, you are the only good thing to happen to me this year.’


‘Yes, you.’

‘What about performing with your band?’

He shakes his head.

‘Or getting your P’s.’

‘Driving’s cool.’

‘See, plenty of good things happened this year.’

He shakes his head again. I look up at him.

‘Are you drunk?’ I ask.

‘Maybe,’ he nods.

‘Oh god,’ I stand and pull him to his feet.

He leans heavily on my shoulder. I lead him into the church and sit him down at the beck pew.

‘Stay,’ I command.

He nods and waves his good hand at me. I tiptoe back down the aisle to our mums.

‘How is he?’ Charlene sniffs.

‘He’s drunk and broke his hand when he punched the church,’ I say quickly.

‘He’s drunk?’ Charlene gasps.

‘He punched the church?’ Mum almost laughs.

‘He needs to get to the doctors,’ I say.

‘Ok,’ Charlene stands, ‘I need to get out of here anyway.’

She goes to leave.

‘Watch Connie for me,’ she says to Mum.

I follow her to the back of the church. She walks right past Alex so I stop to pull him to his feet. At the car, I lay him down on the back seat. Charlene is fumbling with her keys as tears stream down her cheeks.

‘Your car is an automatic, right?’ I ask.

She nods. I open the glove compartment and take out Alex’s old L plates. I stick them to the car.

‘I’ll drive,’ I say.

She nods again and climbs into the passenger seat.

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