Twenty-Eight - Who She Is

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Who She Is

‘Where are we going?’ I ask Alex as he drives around town.

We’ve been driving for almost two hours now and I have no idea where we are.

‘I need to find the perfect place for us to have lunch,’ he laughs, taking a sharp corner.

I brace myself on the dashboard so I don’t hit the window.

‘We’re in the middle of nowhere,’ I reply, ‘I haven’t seen another living soul for ages.’

‘Then we are in the right spot.’

He slams on the brakes. On both sides of the road are a deserted fields and black tarmac stretches both behind and in front of us.

‘The right spot?’ I gasp.

He gets out of the car and walks around it to open my door.

‘Come on,’ he grabs my hand and pulls me out.

We cross the road and stand on the green grass. In the middle of the field is long, wooden table. A white table cloth covers it. Balloons tied to ribbons and chairs float above the table. A big, three tier, white icing cake sits in the middle surrounded by cupcakes, mini pies, cheerios, cookies, chips and lollies. Sitting at the table are all my loved ones.

‘Happy birthday!’ they scream and stand up.

I smile up at Alex before running across the grass. Mum pulls me into a hug.

‘Happy birthday, baby,’ she whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek.

With her hand on the small of my back, she leads me to the head of the table. She sits me down and sits to my right. Alex drops a tiara on my head and sits on my left, my hand in his. Everyone else takes a seat at the table. Larry Sits beside Mum. Jesse takes the seat next to Alex and Jackson sits between her and Taylor. A few of the other girls and guys are further down the table. We all dig into the food. I pile my plate high with pies and chips and cheerios.

Alex and Mum talk about silly things I did as a kid and Larry adds a few stories of his own. Jesse stands a sings a song she wrote about what a silly git I am. The other girls sing harmonies. Then the guys stand up and give speeches about how I’m the greatest girl in the world and how they all hate Alex because he snatched me up before they could.

After silly songs and stories, I open my presents. Notebooks, pens, pencils, sketch books, paints, CDs, DVDs, books, scarves, gloves and money. But my favourite present is from Alex. When I untie the grey satin ribbon and open the small pink box I want to scream, laugh and cry all at the same time. I pull out the silver locket necklace and hold it high. All the girls sigh in awe and the guys just stare. Alex takes it from me and unclasps the little heart and shows me the pictures inside. One is of us when we were in grade four. We are both hanging by our knees from a tree in his backyard. My hair reminds me of a troll doll. Alex has his fingers in his mouth, pulling his lips back to show his teeth. The second picture is of us on our first date. We are standing at the top of a tree. My hair is fuzzy from the humidity and Alex is giving a big cheesy grin. He then puts clips the neckalce around my neck.

I stand and throw my arms around Alex’s neck.

‘Best present ever,’ I whisper in his ear.

He kisses me.

‘Cake!’ all the guys yell.

I sit back down. Mum lights the candles. Everyone sings happy birthday and I blow out the candles and make a wish.

I wish for everyone to just be happy.

I cut the cake and kiss Alex when the knife touches the plate. Then I serve cake for everyone. We all eat in silence. When we are done, some of the guys disappear. But they are back quickly with a car and a huge sound system in the boot. They set it up, powering it all with batteries in the back of the car. They blast cheesy ninety’s music, and crappy dub step and stupid recent pop for hours on end. It’s well past midnight before parents pick up their kids and Mum drives Larry, Alex and I home.

I get ready for bed and curl up under my covers. Just as I’m falling asleep, the door creaks open.

‘So, how was your birthday?’ Alex asks as he scoops me up onto his lap.

‘Best day ever,’ I say sleepily.

I lean into his shoulder and close my eyes.

‘How does it feel to be sixteen?’

‘Not much different from fifteen,’ I laugh.

Then I yawn.

‘Sing me a song,’ I whisper.

‘An original?’ he asks.

I nod.

Brown hair hides dark eyes,

Like the clouds hide blue skies.

White cheeks, pale lips,

Ice cold finger tips.

She doesn’t see the beauty she possesses,

Deathly smooth are her caresses,

Everyone who she impresses,

Loves her for who she is.

There is no need to feel so fragile,

The beautiful, the strong, the incredible,

She leaves us all immobile,

And we love her for who she is.

Soft smile and swift tricks,

Drives us crazy with her antics.

She makes me so delirious,

Her stare can be so dangerous.

She doesn’t see the beauty she possesses,

Deathly smooth are her caresses,

Everyone who she impresses,

Loves her for who she is.

There is no need to feel so fragile,

The beautiful, the strong, the incredible,

She leaves us all immobile,

And we love her for who she is.

I love her for who she is.

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