Twenty-Seven - That's Why I Want You

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That’s Why I Want You

‘Did you get called to the office?’ Alex asks me as we walk home from school.

His hand tightens around mine when I nod.

‘So, what did she ask?’ he asks.

‘She just wanted to know why I was participating in such a cruel and sexist competition. I told her I had no idea what she was talking about,’ I shrug.

‘And she believed you?’

‘I think so.’

He smiles softly.

‘Did you get called to the office?’ I ask him.

‘No, I’ll probably be called tomorrow. It was only the girls today.’

‘We’ll probably get another lecture about it at assembly on Friday.’

‘Probably,’ he laughs.

Silence builds between us.

‘So,’ I say, ‘I’m guessing we won’t be having any challenge dates for a while.’

‘Yeah,’ he nods.

‘It’s funny, when you first asked me to do this with you, you were really enthusiastic. I could tell you wanted to win. But now, I really want to win as well.’

‘It’s all in the challenge,’ he says, ‘being a part of this competition has made you want to win it as much as any guy.’

‘So who is winning so far?’ I ask.

‘Well, it’s a tie between us and one other couple, who I can’t name. But Jesse and Jackson are catching up quick.’

‘Does Jackson really like Jesse?’ I ask.

Alex smiles.

‘He really does. He’s just using the challenge as an excuse to go out with her. He’s funny like that.’

‘Where did he get that idea from?’

His cheeks turn scarlet and he bows his head. I smile and slip my hand into his.

‘It worked, didn’t it?’ I say.

‘It did,’ he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

We walk in silence for a bit.

‘I’m going to visit him next weekend,’ he says softly.

I look up at him to see tears in his eyes.

‘Mum doesn’t want me to. She says she doesn’t want to worry me. But I want to see,’ he says.

‘I’ll take care of Connie,’ I say.

‘Thanks, I don’t want her coming with. I don’t even want her to know I’m going.’

‘I’ll tell her you’re going to the park with Taylor and Jackson and some of the other guys.’

He smiles.


A single tear slips down his cheek. I pull him to a stop and hug him. He leans heavily onto my shoulder.

‘Mum says it’s bad, real bad. She tells Connie he’ll be fine, but she tells me he may not make it. It’s been two months, Sav. How can they not know if he’ll make it or not?’

I don’t know what to say. I can’t get his hopes up and say he’ll be fine, but I also can’t say he’s not going to make it.

‘You have to stay positive,’ I say.

‘It’s hard.’

He pulls out of the hug and sits down on the side of the road. I sit beside him.

‘But it’s what you need to do. You can’t control what’s happening, none of us can. But we can hope for the best and deal with it if we get the worst. Your strong, Alex. I remember when I fell off my bike and broke my arm; you carried me all the way to the hospital because you couldn’t find our parents. Or the time Taylor was cornered by those jerks from school; you stuck up for him even though it risked losing all your friends.’

‘That’s good and all, but it’s all physical strength,’ he sighs.

‘But it takes a lot of mental strength to stand up to guys you call your friends. And it took a lot of effort to keep me calm when a bone was sticking out of my arm.’

He gives a small smile.

‘You are the strongest, loveliest guy I know, Alex. You can’t stop believing just because times are hard.’

He takes my hand and pulls me too him. He kisses me. I kiss him back. When he pulls away, he keeps his forehead pressed against mine.

‘That’s why I want you,’ he whispers, ‘you believe in me so much. I can’t believe you want me.’

He kisses me again and stands up, pulling me to my feet in the process. We kiss again before continuing the walk home.

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