Thirty-Nine - Date Number Twelve

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Date Number Twelve

‘No,’ I say quickly, ‘no more of the challenge business.’

‘It’s just for fun,’ he says, ‘I promise.’

‘How can I believe that?’

‘Because I gave up on winning the second you left me,’ he says softly.

I smile softly.

‘Can’t it wait until morning?’ I say.


‘But it’s two in the morning,’ I whine.

‘I know, I sort of planned it,’ he says.

‘Oh, fine, what do I need?’

‘Jeans and a jumper.’

He follows me inside and stands outside my bedroom while I get changed. I also scribble a note for Mum saying I’ll be back in the morning. Then I follow him to his car.

‘Don’t look so scared,’ he laughs as he pulls out of my driveway.

‘You’re kidnapping me, aren’t you?’ I laugh nervously.

‘Yes, but I promise you’ll have fun and be back by morning,’ he pats my knee.

I sigh and sink into the seat.

‘So?’ I giggle, ‘what’s been happening?’

‘Oh, nothing really,’ he keeps his eyes on the road.

‘How’s Connie?’

‘Good, I guess.’

‘You guess?’

‘She doesn’t talk to me much.’

I look up at him. His eyes have gone glossy.

‘Are you alright?’ I ask.

He nods and bites his lip.

‘So cute,’ I whisper under my breath.

We drive for about an hour, right along the beach. We pull into a parking lot and I get out. Alex grabs a picnic basket form the backseat. He then takes my hand and leads me down to the sand.

‘So, what is this date?’ I ask as he spreads out a big blanket.

He pulls a very tattered piece of paper from his pocket. I raise my eyebrow at him.

‘Didn’t have the heart to throw it out,’ he shrugs, ‘twelve, in the middle of the night, drive to the beach, so you arrive just as the sun is rising. Have a breakfast picnic, and then fall asleep together.’

I watch the water as he reads. Just as he finishes, the first rays of light peek over the horizon. He grabs my hand and pulls me down onto the blanket. I sit beside him and he curls his arm around me, pulling me in for a kiss. I lean away and he sighs.

‘Sorry,’ he whispers, leaning back as well.

I sigh sadly.

‘Don’t be,’ I say, ‘I’m just so confused.’

‘Good, because as long as you’re confused, you’ll keep giving me chances. I know that when you finally get your head around this all, you’re gonna choose Craig,’ he says quickly.

‘Maybe not,’ I say.

‘But you will. He’s all safe and would never do a thing to hurt you, even by accident. But me, I hurt you even when I was trying not to hurt another person. I didn’t want anyone to know straight away about you and me because I didn’t want it getting back to Miranda and hurting her feelings. But, in the process, I hurt you instead. I know I can’t do anything right, so I’m going to keep you as confused as possible.’

I lean over and kiss him. He sits, stunned, for a moment but quickly kisses me back.

‘Well, I’m very confused right now,’ I giggle.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me onto his lap. He kisses me hard, his tongue brushing my lips. I open, inviting him in. It’s wet. Very wet. I giggle and he laughs. We keep kissing. We lie down with him over me and kiss some more. Sand is everywhere; in my hair, my clothes, my shoes. His kisses get softer and softer until we are both lying in the sand and yawning. I curl into his side and he plays with my hair.

‘You are so beautiful,’ he whispers.

I nuzzle his neck and he sprinkles light kisses over my forehead. My eyes flutter closed and his breathing slows. I listen to the soft, steady beat of his heart.

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