Chapter 10: Home

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I walked home from school, kicking the rocks and rubbish in my path out onto the street. I kept thinking about the way I reacted to when Ayden asked me out, what the hell! I thought to myself, you are NOT a girly-girl nor obsessed with him like those girls from the first day of meeting him... I kept on walking through the green way, it was the longer way home, I didn't feel like going home yet I just wanted to walk till' I died. Until I was tired, until I wanted to go back home. I snapped back into reality as I herd the small shrub rustle next to me while I was walking past it. For a few days now, I had felt like I had been followed home from school, but I kept saying to myself that I was just tired, and that it wasn't happening, but this was new. I stopped in my tracks and just looked at the bush it stood there motionless like most bushes do, but it felt so strange I turned around and headed straight for the exit of the green way, now I wanted to go home, straight away, I was so scared. I kept telling myself that I didn't see anything and that I was just imagining things, but my head wasn't convinced.

I walked up to the lift of the apartment and pressed the button, I slowly turned around to see what was behind me, expecting the worst like in those horror movies but there was no one, nothing. The door lift opened with the 'ding' of the bell I walked in and pressed another button... I walked into the apartment, I saw my sister on the sofa with a boy watching the T.V “hi sis why are you so late?” she asked looking up at me. “ I felt like walking a little” I said. “who's that?”

“oh sorry I forgot to introduce you to each other! This is my boyfriend Harry. Meet my little sister Maddie” my sister said without hesitation. He looked up at me and smiled “Hi Maddie” he said in his deep voice. “Hi” I said slowly. We looked at each other for a few seconds until I started walking for my bedroom door. I stood in front of my open door looking into my bedroom. Most of the boxes where unpacked, I had a few posters and pictures up until I noticed my phone flashing red, which meant I had a voicemail. I closed my door and walked towards it pressing a random button the machine began to speak in a clear English accent “you have 1 new voice mail” I pressed another button and it talked again “1- from 2.33pm” it paused before I herd Kevin's voice. “Maddie? When you get this it will probably be too late to tell you because I will be on a plane, anyway let me get to the point. I'M MOVING TO LONDON AND I WILL BE GOING TO SCHOOL WITH YOU!!!! I can't wait to see you again, got to go byeeee see you soon!” he squealed and then it bleeped, indicating that, that was the end of that message.

I sat down on my bed, I don't know what I thought of this. Obviously I was happy and excited, that I was going to see him, but what if no one likes him, and then I have to explain to him about Ayden, Ayden I thought to myself, his beautiful eyes came to mind... he was so cute, even when he was angry, he was adorable. I wonder what Ayden is going to think of Kevin. Maybe they will be best friends, that would be awesome. They would really be good friends. They both like football and music, they both like me, to! This was going to be so weird, I haven't seen Kevin since primary school, i've only talked to him. I wonder what he looks like now. I hope Zoey doesn’t hate him and treat him the way she did and does to me, that would be so crap! I looked at my alarm clock it said 6.43pm I walked out of my room and went to my sister he was still with that boy but now they had moved positions on the sofa her head was on his shoulder while his arms where around her.

“sis?” I said with my hands on my hips. She instantly moved to the other side of the sofa and looked behind her at me with a red face “what!” she screamed really annoyed.

“it's 6.45, don't you want to say bye to your... boyfriend before mum and dad comes home” I said with a pause. “OH my god!” she shouted looking at the clock, “sorry, Harry you have to go before my parents flip” she said standing up and opening the front door. He groaned as he stood up, he picked up his blazer(school uniform) and his bag and walked out of the door. “bye babe, see you tomorrow ok?” he said kissing her on her lips

“yeah ok” she smiled pulling away, it was so gross I mentally puked and rolled my eyes, “bye!” she shouted closing the door. She spun around and stared at me, “DON'T YOU DARE TELL!” she growled, towering over me. “ I won't, but in return, you can't tell either, but I need some dating advice” I said.

“ooh! Who is it?” she said clapping her hands together.

“just a boy from school” I confessed.

“yeah course this is going to be so much fun! Let's go to your bedroom” she walked directly into my room without hesitation and began to lecture me. It sounded like a school, there where rules to follow and little key things you had to do and pick up on, it sounded so confusing and hard, like a test. It sounded scary... after when she left my room I lay down on my bed closing my eyes and thinking to myself, was I really ready for this?

HI! sorry for not posting anything for a few days, i had to go to bed early and i was really tired, i had so much fun! the last two days... anyway i hope you liked this chapter please COMMENT, VOTE, SHARE, FOL OW ETC.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2013 ⏰

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