Chapter 4: the truth

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A couple of days had passed...

The grey clouds had eaten the sky, not a hint of sun was to be seen. I guess that's what you expected from british weather... Anyway the rain had started just as walked out on to the road, drip, drip, drip, and what a surprise I forgot my umbrella well-done me! My hair was soaked already and I had only been walking for about five minuets, it turned from a light blonde to the disgusting, icky, damp blonde, that I hated. Anyway I walked along the road side, hoping not to get splashed by some idiot that thinks he’s cool or something...

Just as I was about to put my headphones in I herd my name; “Madison!” I turned around seeing Ayden the boy from school, running towards me, crap I thought. I didn’t really want to talk to him at the moment all I wanted to do was get out of this rain! “hey” I said back as he reached me,

“here I got an umbrella, so you don’t get wet anymore” he said with his 'Colgate smile', I guess I wont be able to get rid of him easily then... “thanks” I said, “but I don’t think it will make any more of a difference now” I joked

“better than nothing”

“yeah true...” there was a long silence between us, for me it was peaceful to be really honest I didn’t even notice and It didn’t even bother me but I guess it bothered him... “soooo...” he started, kicking a pebble onto the road, “what are you doing this weekend?” oh. go. no. iv'e seen this in movies, its the starter question which would lead to 'do you want to go out with me'. “ umm nothing much, probably just gonna have lots of arguments with my sister and then attempt to unpack most of the stuff that still is in boxes”

“your not from around here then?, when did you move here?”

“umm I moved here about a week ago, after my grandma died, we lived with her and she had enough money saved up to pay for rent and stuff, but when she died we ran out of money, and her money went to her other sons and daughters and of course husband, so we had to move” I said

“oh, i'm sorry” he said stopping in his tracks and looking into my eyes. OH. GOD. I quickly moved my eyes away, “it's ok I didn't really like her”

“wow really, but she is family how can you not and she's dead!” he said slightly disgusted and shocked. “well everyone dies, and she hated me too, we had a bad relationship, I was the unwanted child in her eyes” I said.

It was true. Most of my family hated me, my twin sister died because of me... it was all my fault, and although I till haven't come to terms with it, I tried not to think about it but the pain... that hurts the most, I wish I was dead instead of her, it would be allot easier for my family, they wouldn’t even miss me. They would forget about me, like a chocolate wrapper, I would of just been chucked away. I know that every time my parents see me they remember her, and a little bit inside cry's when they see me. But what can I do. All I can do is disappear, its the only thing that would help everyone, and when I talked to my grandma, it was the only thing she reminded me of, it was the only thing she said to me. She would have done anything to get her back instead of me...

“wow how come?” he asked, I snapped back into reality.

“uh-uh-uh” I stuttered. I never told anyone what happened when I was 11 only Kevin, he was the only person in the whole world who knew, the only friend I had, the only person I could trust, and I don’t think I would tell anyone EVER. “ it's a long story” I spat out,

“oh, you don’t want to tell me” he said slightly sad.

“ no! It's just-”

“no Maddie it's ok! I know you don’t want to tell me, you probably don’t trust me, but if I was you I would have told you everything” he shouted. I stopped walking, we where nearly at school.

“tell me what Ayden?” I said, I felt bad for him he must think I hated him or something but I don’t think I could bring myself to tell anyone, besides I only knew him for a couple of days. Ut he was cute when he was angry, I must say... “uh-uh-uh, it's a long story” he mimicked.

“Ayden! Stop taking the piss and tell me” I demanded,

“ok, ok” he started, “but please don’t tell anyone you would be the first person I told... ever” he said, holding out his pinkie, “ I promise” I said looking into his brown eyes... I never noticed it but he had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, and to be really honest I couldn’t really help my self but gaze into them “ok” he said, “well, for starters I have allot of siblings... I have 6 to be accurate, 4 are younger 2 are older, my oldest brother left to college about a year ago and my older sister moved out to he boyfriends, because she couldn’t handle it at home, so i'm the oldest sibling right now” he said, I looked to the ground, things would have been pretty bad if the older siblings left, I thought. “well before my brother left, my uh- dad, he um.” he paused trying to form words with his mouth. “he uh, shot himself. Suicide.” I swear I stopped breathing, a wave of emotions came, I felt so bad not telling him about my family... issues “ my mum started drinking after, she got hooked to the stuff, she was abusive to all of us, she hit us or slapped us or just screamed at us for no reason, it was tough. Then my sister left without a warning she vanished and then my brother... I had to protect my siblings, it was what I had to do, it carried on for a while now, its worse than ever but now um is hardly home, she leaves without warning so I take care o everyone” he stopped we where at the school gates, he was at breaking point, nearly crying and all I could do was stand there and watch. I moved closer to him and hugged him, he hugged me back putting his forehead into the curve where my neck and shoulders where. “it's ok” I whispered.

“HEY GUYS!!!!!” Mackenzie walked through the gates until she saw us she stopped with her hand over her mouth “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!” she screamed.

DUN.DUN.DUN sorry for the cliff hanger hope you enjoyed this chapter please LIKE COMMENT VOTE it helps out A LOT

thanks love you guys xx soph

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