Chapter 3: Science

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The sound of my mobile woke me up, it was Kevin. We had been friends since primary school, that was a long time ago, we still keep in contact by texting each other once in awhile, but never really phoning so this was new.

My phone read 5.32am Tuesday. I groaned sitting upright in my bed and picking up my phone with one hand while supporting myself with the other. “hello” I said in a mid-yawn, “hello?” I repeated getting slightly annoyed now,

“oh hi” it was a small quiet mumble on the other end, but I knew it was Kevin, he is probably the only boy I know who's voice isn't broken yet. “oh hi Kevin!” I said slightly more awake, “why are you calling me, you never do that and why this early?”

“huh. Oh it's just that it was your first day and I wanted to hear from you before you go to school... again ”

“oh right” I said not completely convinced

“so how was your first day then?”

“fine, nothing special I guess” I said with a slight pause.

“I guess?” he teased “what happened? Did you get a boyfriend already? Before I got a girlfriend!?!?!”

“WHAT no way” I said with a sigh, “no one would ever go out with me and anyway who said I wanted a boyfriend anyway, it's pointless really... you love them and then they will just drop you and make your heart smash into a million pieces...” there was a long pause before he said something again. “well well, you surely stopped carrying your heart on your sleeve then?”

“what the hell do you mean Kevin” I said slightly pissed

“nothing, it's just that when we went to school together you would fantasise about having a boyfriend, about someone you would tell everything with, and could hug when you where sad and happy” he carried on, “ and you always hung around with the boys allot more than the girls, and in year six you tried to flirt with Marcus” he chuckled

“yeah well people change, and anyway why are you laughing at me I have tonnes of stories to laugh and annoy you with about what you did!” I said, it was an amazing comeback in my opinion.

“yeah, like what?” he challenged,

“uh what about the time when we had miss Rosary as our english english teacher, and then we all chose a poem and you chose Romeo and Juliet and then you tried to kiss miss and claim it was part of the 'performance' and then the whole class was laughing and you turned bright red!” I said laughing so hard “shut up Maddie! She was hot ok?” he said in an angered tone. “look I have to go now, talk to you later” and with that he hung up the phone while I was literally falling of the bed!

After I calmed down, which took awhile! I got up and went to get ready for school, as usual my sister took an hour in the bathroom and I was late...

I burst into the science lab, the door flung open revealing a full class of students, not ready to learn but to make fun of the teacher and talk about some stupid gossip. “sorry i'm late miss!” I said the room went dead silent and then an outburst of wild laughter. I looked up at the teacher... it was a man “oh my god! I mean sir, I'm so sorry I'm new here” I tried to explain

“right” he mumbled under his thick white beard, how could I miss that he was a man, “umm, sit on row four there should be an empty spot there” he said. I walked along the rows counting in my head, one, two, three, four. I looked up and down the row looking for that 'empty spot'. It was next to a boy who had brown hair, neatly styled with a beanie on top . He kept his head down looking at his open book, I put my bad down on the floor and pulled out a pen I could hear the whispers going around the class... I took out the yellow book that I was given when I first started and opened it up, “Ayden get that disgraceful hat of your head immediately, you should know the rules by now!” bellowed the teacher across the classroom. With one sigh the brown headed boy next to me let out a large sigh and pulled of his beanie, making it what was before his perfect styled hair into a mess. I guess his name was Ayden then, he pulled out a few strands of hair and moved it left and right to tr and sort it out, behind us there was three blond girls who let out really high pitched squeals as he did that. He looked at me sighing and then smiling at me I returned a smile and looked toward the board as the Santa clause look-a-like started writing stuff on the board but from the corner of my eye I saw that the boy had not looked away from me and was watching me...

The bell rang Finally science was over I thought to myself, I grabbed my tote bag and put it on my shoulder while walking out of class like everyone else. Someone pulled my sleeve and I turned around, it was Ayden. “oh sorry” he said, “you forgot this in science” I looked down at his hands that where open he had my pikachu pen in his hand “oh” I said, not remembering taking it out of my pocket, “thanks” I said

“it's ok I never thought a girl like you would like Pokemon” he said

“what girl did you think I was Mr. judgemental” I started with my hands on my hips

“ooh feisty” he said raising his eyebrow,

“sorry” I began, “ I like pok-”

“it's ok, where did you get that pen from though, it's so cool!” he said changing the topic

“uh my dad got it when he went on a business trip to Tokyo” I explained

“oh cool! I really want to go to Tokyo, they have a Pokemon world”

“ I know it looks awesome I thi-” there was a tap on my shoulder fro m behind hat interrupted my sentence. I spun around to see Mackenzie behind me with her side bag in her hand, “Hi” she greeted me with a hug. “hi” I said trying to match the same amount of enthusiasm she had.

“ I guess you met Ayden then” she said looking at him and smiling

“uh yeah we where just talking about Pokemon” I said,

“yeah sure you did” she said statistically, then she linked my arms with mine and walked off with me all, I heard was Ayden shouting a muffled “see you later”.   

Hey guys, i hope you liked this chapter it was a little more entertaining than the other two i guess haha anyway, please COMMENT, VOTE, FOLLOW, SHARE 

love from soph

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