Chapter 9: First day back pt.2

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The lunch bell rang, but I wasn't ready to see Ayden yet, I walked into the main office the room was empty except for the first aid women. Sitting at her desk looking at her computer screen. She was a nice teacher, she helped me get settled in on my first day and she did say if I had any questions I should come to her... another thing is that she was the one who called the ambulance last week when we had that fight.

“Hello Madison” she said as I approached her desk, “is there a problem, how can I help?”

“uh, I have a question” I whispered.

“what is it?” she asked looking up from her screen a little concerned.

“umm, do you know who brought me here when I got hit?” I asked, I knew the answer to that but I was hoping that she would offer to show me him, or let me meet him or see him or just something so that I know how he looks like. “um yeah, it was Sam Tensely” she said. Please. Please. Please. “Do you know him?” she asked

“no, but I wanted to say thank you to him” I explained

“well, well, I knew you where that kind of girl, should I show you him?” YES!!! a struck of light hit me, and it felt AMAZING! “uh yeah please” I said playing it 'cool'.

“wait let me call him in from the speaker phone” she said as she picked the mini microphone and called his name. “sit, he will probably be a while” I sat down on the red seats which where against the wall. He DID take his time, I think about 30 minuets, but Ayden can wait if it was that important. He strolled through the door with his side bag slung around his shoulder, he looked at me and smiled at me and walked straight towards me, ignoring the first aid teacher. “hi” he said, “i'm Sam”

“hi” I said back looking at his massive blue eyes, they where amazing but they king of reminded me of Ayden's, but Sam's where better. “did you want me?” he asked,

“uh-uh-uh” I stuttered, “i just uh- wanted to say thanks for saving me” I spat out.

“oh” he chuckled “it's ok, are you better now?” he asked concerned. So cute.

“yeah, I recovered pretty well”

“wow, you got beaten up pretty well” he said, stating the obvious.

“yeah, I can't even remember what happened” I said. He looked around the room and noticed how the teacher was just watching us. “let's go outside” he said opening the door.

“yeah good idea” I said smiling at the teacher as she tried to look away awkwardly. I walked out of the room, and carried on talking. “So yeah, I just wanted to say thanks, god knows what could have happened to me in there”

“well, you'r welcome. Have you had lunch yet?” he asked walking towards the cafeteria.

“no not yet” I responded

“well that makes two of us,” he said smiling and looking back at me, “lets get some lunch i'm starving!” he shouted rubbing his stomach. I forgot about meeting Ayden but soon he reminded me.

We walked into the cafeteria and got some pizza, and sat down. We talked about some random stuff until...

“MADIE!” Ayden shouted across the cafeteria. I spun around clicking out of the conversation we had. “speaking of the devil...” Sam said with a sigh, “good luck” he said and walked off, “i'll catch you later” and with that he strolled off...

“WHAT THE HELL!” he screamed sprinting up to me. “WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO HIM!” he shouted.

“what's wrong with him, we just talked calm down!” I said back to him. He sighed and looked into my eyes with 'that' look, i'm sure he knew I fell for it every time... “i was waiting for you and you never came” he said with a little whimper

“OH right!” I said remembering, “sorry I got side-tracked, I decided to say thanks to Sam before it was too late” I said, attempting to explain.

“yeah it looked like a thanks as well” he said in a sarcastic way.

“I'm sorry and why do you hate him so much?” I asked, he sighed again.

I just don't like it when I see you with guys, I get a little jealous” he owned up, “i just really like you” and with that, I felt my heart fall, I knew that I liked him I was just scared, but then I thought to myself what am I going to say back. Before I could think my mouth opened up and out came word vomit, the sort of stuff you can't control, the words that just come out of your mouth, unexpectedly “ I like you too” he smiled as I said that.

“are you free tomorrow?” he asked completely forgetting what we where talking about beforehand,

“uh yeah” I said, I knew what was coming next...

“do you want to go on a date with me?” he said looking into my eyes once again, piercing a hole through my heart, “of course!” I squealed as I jumped and hugged him around the neck. It was an unexpected, and unwanted reaction, I never thought I would ever have a reaction like that when a boy asked me out. “great! I will pick you up at six” he said and we walked away out of the cafeteria as the bell rang hand in hand.

Hey guys! sorry for the lateish update, i was really lazy today. i hope you enjoyed this chapter please VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, SHARE, ETC. helps me out a hell of allot, also i don'tknow for sure yet if i will be posting anything this Saturday, since i will be out. im going to Thorpe park CAN'T WAIT im soo excited 

Love you lots xx Soph

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