Chapter 8: First day back pt.1

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A few days had passed, since the incident... I went home from hospital the day after, I haven't gone to school yet... I stayed at home. I got hate mail on face book and on my mobile, I ignored it. I still don't know the mystery person who saved me, but I will soon, when I go back to school... when I go back to school... gosh, that sounds like my death sentence. I'm feeling better now, a lot better to be honest, I just didn't want to go to school yet. I needed to re-think everything, I hope we leave soon, I don't think I can stay at a school like this, it will never get better... but the only thing I don't understand is why they feel bad for Zoey, I was the one who got sent to hospital not her. I'v only talked to Kevin once more, this morning. He said he's going to visit me, but he has his life to concentrate on as well not just mine.

My mum walked into my room just as I was going to fall asleep. “hey honey, how are you feeling?” she said while stroking my hair, “fine” I said back while closing my eyes.

“really?” she questioned.

“yeah, really” I said. I had a MASSIVE lecture with my dad when I got out of hospital, I didn't tell him much, I just said that we got off on the wrong foot and had different opinions. He didn't respond much, after that. I'm not even sure what happened with Zoey, I haven't talked to anyone either, from school. “well that's good... you can go back to school tomorrow then, I don't think you need to skip anymore if you'r good, then you can go and get those top grades again” she said, wow she actually thought it would be that easy huh? Just go back in and act like nothing had happened. “WHAT” I shouted “I CAN'T GO BACK!” I growled.

“well you said you where fine. And I don't want you staying at home anymore by yourself, it's not safe” she said calmly and just like that she walked out of my bedroom. “SHIT” I screamed, hoping she would hear. I bet she did...

I didn't sleep well, I was so stressed and worried sick, i'm probably going to get beaten up again, and the whole thing will start from the beginning...

My alarm went of at 7.00am like it always did, I stood up and headed for the bathroom. It was empty THANK GOD, I guess I got up just in time because as I closed the bathroom door, my sisters opened. Hehehehe... I brushed my teeth and discovered a few spots... crap, I thought to myself as I looked at my reflection. I opened my draw and pulled out a half empty tube of concealer and slapped it on... perfect, well not really, I resembled a stereo-typical Essex tart on a bad hair day. BRILLIANT just like Zoey, I said to myself with a little smirk appearing on my face. I got my uniform and took a cereal bar from the cupboard. I grabbed my tote (a drop dead one XD) and took to the streets.

I walked as slow as possible, hoping that my phone's date was wrong and it wasn't a thursday but a saturday. But of course school was open, I came 5 minuets before the bell rang, late but not late enough. I waked through the doors and straight for my locker, everyone was looking at me and It was dead silent. As I got to my locker I saw a few kids, running of as they saw me with ans of spray paint, brilliant I thought to myself. My locker had been covered in the words, slut, boyfriend stealer, thief, hoe, sket, Etc. the usual words for the hated. I breathed in and opened my locker. I pushed my bag in and took out a few books for the next lessons, great, R.E, and French. I had R.E with Mackenzie and French with Ayden, lucky me! I groaned as I looked at my time table.

I walked off trying to avoid the judging eyes, millions of them... I walked into the R.e class room just as the bell went of, I was alone, not even the teacher was here. I took the desk at the back of the class room, in the corner and put my books down, and sat in the bashed, and broken chair. The next five minuets contained nothing more interesting than a herd of people rushing in and going dead silent as the noticed me... they sat down quietly whispering until, Mackenzie and Zoey came walking in linked arms. The second Mackenzie saw me she moved away from Zoey and blanked her walking directly to me. She stopped a few centimetres away from the desk I was sitting at. She looked at my face examining the cuts, bruises and of course my selection of covered up spots, until she spoke. “Look” she started, “i'm so sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking, I was so confused and overwhelmed, I hope you can forgive me” she said bursting out into tears, everyone was silent and looking at us, even the teacher didn't say anything. “it's ok Mackenzie, it is not your fault” I said looking at Zoey's face, she was watching too, well more looking at her perfect nails, trying to find flaws, she was listening though, i'm sure she was, because she swallowed hard. “it is, I could have helped but I didn't I was such a bad friend, instead Sam helped you. And he dosn't even know you!” she shouted wiping away her tears.

“Sam?” I said

“uh, yeah some boy in our year” she replied cocking her head to one side. “can we still be friends Maddie, i'll leave Zoey, she's a bitch anyway” she said

“yeah, sure” I said, making us smile at each other in silence but that was broken by Zoey's shouting... “I'M A BITCH EXCUSE ME?!?” she screamed, “YOU ARE MY FRIEND NOT THAT LOSERS!”

“whatever Zoey i've had enough of you'r crap, why don't you just carry on doing what you'r good at, sleeping with guys!” she shot back at, while sitting down next to me.

“OOOOOOOOH” the class screamed in excitement, but that was silenced by the teacher, screaming at us to do our work. It worked, during the rest of the lesson only some idiotic boy got sent out from class. It was really boring...

The bell went and everyone rushed out of class in about 1 minuet, or less. Crap now I have to put up with Ayden for the next hour, at least I got one lesson down without breaking down in tears, to be really honest though I wasn't really paying attention. My mind was full of thoughts about who the hell sam was and why he saved me... I need to find out who he is, ad talk to him. I walked into French, you have no clue how much I hate french (true story I hate french in real life) I sat down on the smaller tables in the class room, hoping the seats would be full up before Ayden came in... A Chinese girl sat next to me, she was pretty, but really quiet. Then Ayden came in. he was talking to a couple of his friends, until he spotted me he went dead silent but walked towards me and sat down on the seat opposite mine on out table. No one else came to join... “how are you feeling?” he asked breaking the silence, “better” I said, clearly.

“really, you don't look it, to be quite honest I didn't think you where going to come in for some time, she did hit you hard” he said acting as if nothing was wrong.

“ so you were there then? I was right I did see you!” I said in a raised tone,

“ no! I heard from one of my friends... why do you keep blaming me for being there! I'm right, ok I wasn't there you where seeing things ok?” he said with that look in his brown eyes, I knew it so well by now, I always fell under his spell when he had that look.. “ok, ok” I said, “ I believe you, I wont say anything about it anymore, I promise” I said, feeling slightly embarrassed. “ Stop talking Ayden and Madison!” the teacher shouted at us. “sorry” Ayden said back to him. “meet me at my locker at lunch” he said looking at me. “ok” I nodded.  

hey! sorry guys i had to put it in two parts, i don't want my chapters too long and bore you. thanks for reading xxx COMMENT VOTE FOLLOW SHARE ETC. BTW if you don't know what drop dead is it's a brand/company from this band's lead singer, they have really cool stuff... I'M NOT ADVERTISING. THERE STUFF IS JUST AWESOME AND CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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