Chapter 5: Trash, feelings, and confusion

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“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!” Mackenzie screamed her hand covering her mouth in complete shock and anger. I jumped back almost instantly after I heard her shrill voice, I looked at her, the Ayden, then her and back to Ayden. He still had glazed, hazel eyes. I knew he was trying not to cry, but how cute her was, with that look on his face! Like a little lost puppy!

“Umm-umm. Nothing” Ayden chocked out slowly,

“yeah, nothing” I agreed, almost instantly, I don’t think she was having any of it. I couldn’t really tell as her face expression didn’t really change, still in shock I guess...


“Mackenzie calm down!” I shouted back I didn’t want to argue, me and Ayden both knew we hugged because he was sad, why doesn’t she understand. “CALM DOWN!” she shirked, “How do you think I could calm down when my friends where becoming something?” she said looking directly at me completely ashamed of me, all I could feel was my face burning... He didn’t complain about her claiming we where 'becoming something' but nor did I, I thought I said too much already.

“oh and if, if Zoey finds out. That will be so crazy! She will be torn apart!” Mackenzie said, I think she was meant to say that to her self, but we heard. “Zoey? Who Is Zoey?” I asked,

“me and Zoey are over now and If she cant live with that well that is her problem, We broke up, it's history and we move on” Ayden grumbled, his face expression had changed from sad to angry and annoyed. I swallowed hard, my question was answered, I guess Zoey was an old girlfriend, yeah probably one of those, control freaks! And over obsessive high school sluts. I guess. I know them just too well...

“try and tell Zoey that!” Mackenzie said, “she still loves you Ayden” she whispered as she started to walk past us and into school. “well she had her chance didn’t she?” he shouted back at her, but she didn’t respond, she just walked off. “sorry” he said as he turned back to me, “ I should have told you about Zoey” he said,

“what no, it's fine, it's not like I told you about my old boyfriends to you” I said. He stopped thinking the moment I said boyfriends he turned straight directly at me, stared down into my grey, blue eyes “what boyfriends?” he asked. I stopped thinking, what did I just say? Did I just say I had boyfriends... the truth was I never had a close relationship with anyone, like I said Kevin was my only friend and we where nothing but friends. Crap, I panicked, how could I tell him I never had a boyfriend that would be so weird, he would think I was some sort of loser or something! “nothing, don’t worry it's over now I don't even have contact with them” I said, playing it cool.

I picked up my bag which I left on the ground just before hugging him and put it across my shoulders, “ what are you doing?” he asked as if, his world had just shattered into a million tiny pieces. “i have to leave find Mackenzie and sort things out, I don’t want my friends to hate me on the first two weeks of my arrival, and anyway I don’t want to be late for class, and another thing, it looks like it is going to rain any minuet again, and I don’t want to be wet anymore” I said

“Yikes!” he said looking up to the sky, “lets go in” I was already on that part, I walked up to the door and opened it walking through, I noticed Ayden following me. “ i'm gonna talk to her” I paused “by myself” I finished.

“why?” he asked, totally clueless.

“because I think it would be easier trying to clear things up with only one of us rather than us standing side by side, don’t you think?” I replied walking up the stairs

“yeah ok, but we aren’t clearing things up” he said confused

“ uh yeah I am, look” I said “she thinks we are going to be a thing, we aren't so its clearing things up. Get it?” I said, acting smart. But then it hit me, I was the only person who though we weren’t a thing. Everyone thought that we where, even Ayden himself. That's why he didn’t say anything.

“but we hugged, don't you like me? Or was that for stupid sympathy” he said. I wanted to tell him the truth it was for sympathy, t the moment I didn’t see a problem with it. I thought it was obvious that I did it for sympathy I thought we where clear on things. But I guess I was wrong. I couldn’t tell him I did it for sympathy, it would have been so wrong! I would have hurt his feelings so much!and i'm sorry i'm a softie at heart I cant make someone cry, that would be so mean... “ I like you but, what about Zoey, I can't hurt her feelings and be the bad guy!” I said, lucky escape I thought to myself... “don’t worry about that girl, she needs to learn to stop obsessing with me, and anyway you can be mean to her, she's just trash to us ok?” he said holding my shoulders lightly, I nodded and walked away to find Mackenzie.

As I did that I thought about what he said 'she is trash', 'to us' what is he doing, what he said was so mean but for some reason it felt like he was right, she was trash, I mean on look at her and I think I would be sick! Although i've never met her before or seen her for a matter of fact, but I can imagine what she looked like. Fake blonde hair, skinny as a stick, fake Gucci bag, fake tan, lots of makeup that has been put on really badly, squeaky high pitched voice. ARGH she is a piece of trash to us, and she needs to be disposed of...  

Hey guys! please comment on what you think and what should happen next xxx VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE, FOLLOW  it helps me out allot THANKS XXX


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