Chapter 7: How hard did I hit my head?

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I was awoken by bright white lights, I opened my eyes to see doctors, nurses and ambulance men running of both side of the stretcher I was in. my arms and legs where tied down against the base of the stretcher, and my head was in a foam helmet. I looked around only to hear a women beside me screaming at everyone that I was awake. I got pushed through a few double doors and into another large room with beds and curtains on the side. The minuet everyone stopped moving I had people huddled around me, putting small torches to my eyes checking my head asking me if I was ok, taking my blood and they hooked me to a machine, god knows what for, I felt fine!

“i-m f-i-n-e” I stuttered. No one seemed to be listening they where all to busy in there own world. I tried to sit up, but my arms where still week, I fell back down. “sit still!” demanded a tall brown headed woman, she was a strong build, she reminded me of miss Trunchbull from Matilda, brilliant book, I must say. I sat back down almost immediately, I didn’t complain.

A few hours had passed and the amount of nurses and doctors had changed from 7 to 1 every two hours, no one had visited yet, i'm not even sure if my parents know yet... I re-played the moment I saw Ayden in the crowd seeing him cheer for Zoey broke my heart. It's hard to say but I really fell for him, and I thought he fell for me to. But I guess I was wrong.... also who was that who took me out of the 'arena' someone had saved me from getting my brains punched out... who was that? I wonder what my mum is going to say when she finds out, she will be worried so much! And my dad, he's going to lecture me so much and tell me off! I groaned as I thought of my parents response. SCREW. MY. LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I fell asleep for a few hours only to be woken up by my mum and dad looking at me, in shock. My mums faced had turned pale white, and she was just looking down at me, and my dad! He was so concerned his eyes had been glazed over, as if he had been crying. “OH god thank God you'r still alive” my mum broke down in tears, hugging me. “I was so worried about you” she sobbed, “what happened?”

“Madison why are you in hospital?” my dad ordered trying to pull my mum off me. I didn't say anything, I was too worried, and shocked, and confused. Why is my mum crying she never really cared about me, or at least I thought, I thought her stupid paperwork was more important than me.

“don't you dare give me the silent treatment Missy!” my dad bellowed I curled up into a tiny ball, I was soo ashamed, so embarrassed. “Steve honey” my mum said, “she's had a rough day leave her for now” she pleaded tugging at his sleeve.

“OK OK” my dad said in a large sigh, “we are going to talk to you later, we need to finish of work” my dad said opening up the door and walking out with my mum following, “we love you honey, just rest!” my mum said just before closing the door. I sunk back into my pillows and began to cry, i'm so sad, hurt, lost and I feel so betrayed, by everyone. I wish I never had come here, I wish I had never been born! This was so unfair to me, everyone hates me...

In the middle of crying my heart out, I herd the door open slowly and close behind someone. “Maddie?” said the voice. I knew who that was, it was Ayden, probably the last person I wanted to talk to, but at least I could let my anger out at him and not care, he hurt me so much, and I'm going to make him pay, if he doesn't have a good enough reason!

“Maddie, you awake?” he asked, I didn’t reply I just buried my head deeper into the pillow. He sat down next to me, on my bed and hugged me. “i'm so sorry” he whispered, “i never wanted you to get hurt, I like you” he said, it felt so truthful, I knew he wasn't lying, how could he? he liked me right? I looked up to see him, I had never seen him like this, he looked ruined, and guilty. I knew that feeling just too well... “it's ok” I whispered

“how is it?, your hurt and it's all my fault, now you probably hate me” he said trying not to cry.

“it will be ok, i'm fine” I reassured him.

“you still hate me” he replied looking into my eyes.

“no, no, I don't how can I? I like you too” I said, just realising what I had said.

“really?” he asked. There was a long pause before I could say something, this was the first time I had said to anyone I liked them. Ever. “really” I said back

“ok phew!” he said hugging me, “don't worry about Zoey, Maddie. I will sort her out” he said almost certain. “i have to go, and get back to school” he stood up and walked off.

“Ayden” I said just as he was leaving

“yeah?” he said turning back around to face me

“why where you cheering for Zoey when we had a fight?” I said

“what? I wasn't there!” he said, slightly annoyed

“ I saw you, just before I passed out”. He walked back to me and put his hand around my head.

“she must have hit you hard” he said with a smirk after walking out of the room. I sunk back into the bed only to be woken up by my doctor...

“you need to leave in one day” he said after strutting out of the room again.

“what! Will I be fi-” I said only to be cut off by the door snapping closed.

Hey, really bored so i've just been updating and writing stuff, this is what happens when you are on a summer holiday in England. COMMENT, VOTE, SHARE, FOLLOW ECT


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