Painful Regrets

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"Damn that's really fucked up. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, my trial for assault against him is scheduled for October 14th."

"I want you to stay with me, at least until after the whole case with Jacob is settled."

I looked at him, "You don't have to do that."

"It's fine. He doesn't try to contact you does he?"

"No not since that woman went into labor."

"Good I'll get my friends to help move your stuff tomorrow alright?"


We arrived at the hair salon and I grabbed his wheel chair out the trunk. Luckily I didn't need a hair appointment, because I really needed my weave taken out.

I was immediately sat in a chair, and the lady began taking out my tracks. When the lady got done and revealed my braids. Chris tried to take a picture of me. But after some nicely put curse words, and threats he put his phone away.

"I didn't think you had that much hair."

I rolled my eyes, "You thought I was bald headed?"

"Yeah you always keep weave in."

"That's not something you say to a black woman."

"I don't care I'm a very outspoken individual."

"Chris don't talk to me until we get back to the house."

"Don't be like that." He frowned

"Don't speak unless spoken to." I put my hand up


September 12th

Nicole walked in all smiles. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. That's to be expected because of what I did, I guess I should give her some time.

"I'm sorry for trying to damage your windshield."

"It's okay, but can we talk-" She walked out

"How you doing Mrs. Childress." I heard her say

I felt a lump growing in my throat, because I knew it was my fault. If she ever forgives me it I'll be a miracle. I'll always remember that faithful day.

"Is Nicole home?"

Jacob answered the door shirtless. I turned around quickly and tried to make my way toward my car, but he grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"She'll been in soon. You can go head and wait on her. I'll be upstairs if you need me."

I sat on one end of the couch and he sat on the other. It was kind of awkward, because I didn't really know him. Nicole just recently married him, and he seemed okay.

"How do you like your job?" He smiled at me

"It's great. I love helping the patients achieve their maximum mobility possible."

"I bet you it's stressful isn't?"

"It can be. Like having to explain to one of my patients who had breast cancer in her left breast, why she wouldn't be able to use her left arm again."

He scooted closer to me, and I got a little uncomfortable.

"So how does that work exactly?"

"What do ya mean?"

"Like not being able to move your left arm, when you have cancer in your breast."

I grabbed his hand and put it on the top of his pecks. Then I told him to raise his arm, so he could feel the muscle that connects the arm and the muscle move. He took a finger and used it to lift my chin, and I just stared at him awkwardly.

Then that's when he planted a unexpected kiss on my lips. I immediately pulled away from. But he kept kissing on my neck, I kept trying to pull away from him. I pushed him hard against the couch, which seemed to piss him off, because he pushed me on the floor.

I tried to make a run for but grabbed my ankle, causing me to loose balance and fall back on the ground. He got on top of me, but I punched him in his face. So he backhanded me, and the force of his hit brought tears to my eyes.

"Try that shit again bitch and I will end you." He smirked

He dug his hand in my pants and rubbed my clit. He ripped off my sweatpants, and tried to kick him in the process. He got angry and wrapped his hands around my neck, constricting my air. I struggled to pry his hands off of me, trying to hit him, but my body was starting to feel the effects of the lack of oxygen. He finally let got of my neck while coughed trying to rid my lungs of the carbon dioxide.

While I focused on trying to suck oxygen back into body so my vital organs, would function properly, he ripped off my pants leaving me bare and exposed. His filthy hands rubbed my clit some more and he slid his malicious length inside me. I closed my eyes, just hoping he would orgasm and I could leave. He grunted and moaned above me. The sound that reminded me of the hell that my body was trapped in.

His sexual torment never seemed to end. His constant moans, were just another reminder of all the minutes that passed, since my assault began. It seemed like after forever, he ejaculated the product of his forcible violation.

"Don't you ever tell anyone about this or you will regret it."

"Fuck you! I will tell Nicole and she will divorce your sorry ass."

"I already did sweetheart. You think Nicole is going to believe your sorry ass? She met you like six months before she met me." He walked away

I got up quickly and practically ran to the front door. I opened the door to a very surprised Nicole.

"Makayla where you going? Weren't you waiting on me?"

I ignored her. Then drove as fast as I could away from that sorry excuse for a husband, that Nicole unfortunately married.

What's your opinion on Makayla now?

Should She have told Nicole?

What's your rating of this book from a scale of 1-10 (be honest)?

Oh and big shoutout to Tongue_Game_Crazi for rocking with me, since my first book called Misunderstood.

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