Chapter 44 - Unnecessary Torture

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Jason almost fainted as he looked at the Scientist. He was obviously hung.... But then why did they stab him aswell? T-to torture him in his last moments? Jason couldn't believe his eyes. It struck him how odd it was that this man he barely knew, seeing him dead, was more like a nightmare than the rest of the bodys Jason had seen. It was probably because, when Jason asked if he was alright, he initially was expecting a reply.

Lewis couldn't be dead! He was just agreeing yesterday about how they could escape without any more deaths! Jason stumbled out of the closet. There Hannah was, Stampy and Lee not far behind.

"What happened to you?! You're all covered in blood!" Hannah exclaimed. Jason must not have noticed in his shock. He was covered in bright magenta blood. He looked down at his shirt and screamed.

Hannah, Lee, and Stampy peeked inside the closet, 'A Body has been Discovered! A Short time will pass before we hold a trial!' Monoman announced over an unseen speaker. "Jason, did you... kill Lewis...?" Lee started to ask, "Wh-wh-what?! No! I-I would never do that!" Jason said, for the most part being truthful. He didn't know if he would come out of this mess a murderer. It honestly wouldn't surprise him. But he hadn't killed Lewis.

Jason, Hannah, Lee, and Stampy were looking around the scene for evidence. Well, mainly Lee and Stampy. Hannah didn't really want to, for obvious reasons, and Jason was afraid that if he tried to help, they'd accuse him of tampering with evidence.

"Guys!" Bodil ran over to them from down the hall a ways, "Who was it? We saw you down here investigating, but we were preoccupied." He said apologetically. "It was Lewis, sadly. What were you preoccupied with?" Hannah asked. "Monoman. We think. They say they aren't Monoman, but they sure do look like him!" Bodil explained briefly. "Where are they?" Jason asked. "Down that corner. We found a picture frame that gave us a hint to lead us to a locker in one of the farther back rooms. I didn't even get to finish reading it before Simon figured it out." Bodil said. Hannah and Jason followed him. Before they even got to the end of the hall, though, there was an ear-splitting shriek. It came from up the stairs. Back up to the third floor they went.

One of the nearby doors was wide open, with the lights turned on. He could see Shelby inside the room, her hands covering her mouth, probably being the only thing to stop her from shrieking again. He, Hannah, and Bodil stepped quickly into the room and Jason screamed aswell. Near the far wall, there Barney was, laying in a quickly growing pool of pink blood that Jason stepped back from. He had a wrag covering his mouth. And his eye! Oh dear Lord, his eye! All of this torture! They had stabbed him in his good eye, rendering him blind.

"Barney! Wh-what happened to you?!" Jason unwrapped the Wrag that was making Barney unable to speak, and decided to lay it gently over the bloody mess that used to be his good eye. "Jasons?-" Barney coughed, and Jason realized that the poor guy had been stabbed in the shoulder aswell. He wasn't going to be with them for much longer, Jason knew that. So did Barney. "Yeah. I'm Jason." Jason nodded, before realizing how pointless the gesture was, seeing as though Barney couldn't see it.

"I-I Can'ts sees anything..." Barney said. "I know. Who did this?" Jason asked again. "I-I didn't see them. I was lookings for who screamed when they cames up behinds me and stabbed me's." Barney replied. "Why would someone do this...?" Jason wondered in horror. "I don't knows," Barney looked up slowly and painfully at Shelby, whom he must know the location of due To her amazingly loud scream, "Yous take cares of goat, Yous take goods care of goat...." Barney trailed off. His head fell to the floor. He was gone.

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