Ëthia: Chapter 16 ~ A Different Situation~

Start from the beginning

I began to laugh a little, "So you're saying that you and I should just stay here and sit?".

"I will sit princess, and you will lay" He demanded in a charming way.

"And just for how long are we going to sit here and waste time?" I asked with a smile on my face.

Dax looked down at me and laughed warmly, "Until I've had enough".

Little did I know that Dax wasn't kidding, He and I layed there for a long period of time talking and laughing about lots of things, from the amusing things that he and his brothers did to all of the pranks I pulled on my servants and guards.

"There's no way you did that!" Dax exclaimed being very impressed.

"Oh but I did" I said laughing out loud, "The guards were so angry when they couldn't find their armor, you should've seen it!".

Dax was laughing so hard that he had tears streaming down his face and he was having trouble breathing.

"Calm down Dax, don't kill yourself over a simple story" I said laughingly.

Dax was finally able to calm down and catch his breath, "You know, for being stuck out here for the rest of my life I don't think it will be as bad as I think".

I leaned up and looked at Dax, "And just how are you so certain about that?"

"Because you're here". Dax said looking into my eyes.

A rush of energy went through my body and my heart seemed like it was beating deeper and louder in my chest, I looked away from Dax and laughed a little awkwardly, "I think we better get walking again, sitting around all day isn't going to get us anywhere". I got up and started walking forward hoping Dax would just follow behind me and say nothing else.

Dax stood up and moved in front of me, "If I offended you I am sorry" Dax apologized.

"No" I said instantly, "It's not that at all... It's just that I'm, I'm not really looking for something-"

Dax cut me off, "You're not looking for something or you're not looking for something in me?"

Dax was pretty good at reading through the lines, he knew when something was honest and when something was being made up. As he continued to look at me I just knew that even If I lied he would know it and wouldn't respect me for it, telling the truth is just much easier.

I sighed and looked away from his gaze, "Dax. I am the princess of The Water Colony, I can't just be united with anyone who I want, it's not that simple. I have to be united with someone for the better good of the colony, someone who will be strong in leading, someone who knows the colony, and someone the whole colony will respect".

I had turned my back to Dax and didn't want to see his face as I turned him down, I was waiting for an empty answer like 'oh' or something that meant nothing, instead his hand gently landed on my shoulder sending another rush of energy throughout me.

A deep breath of air escaped from me and quickly a little gasp followed.

"And this man you are talking about, do you respect him?"

Xrin? Did I respect Xrin? Far from it, he was evil and cruel and for some reason no one else besides Jarom, Kiara and I could see that. The whole colony is in a fantasy of where Xrin and his father are some type of hero's that we need, but in reality they are what's going to be the destruction of the Water Colony.

"We really should get walking" I said as I pulled forward and his hand droped off my shoulder.

I didn't get very far when Dax called out my name, I turned around and looked at him hoping that he would just let the subject drop.

The Water Princess: ËthiaWhere stories live. Discover now