Chapter 16

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Maria didn't speak a word during the whole ride. I tried to speak with her but she was avoiding me and didn't want to talk. I took her home and after she entered the house I got back at the woods house.
I got out of the car and saw the boys. Taylor ran toward me and hugged me immediately.
"Are you ok?" He asked me and still hugging me.
"Yeah" I said and we sepatered. I looked at Nate.
"How is Maria?" He asked me
"I don't know" I said "she didn't speak to me even a word" I said and I felt Taylor's arm around me and he kissed me on the forehead.
"They were from the pack?" I asked them and we all went and sat next to the house.
"Yes" Taylor said to me.
"Next time we won't be that lucky" I said
"We called Jess and Isaac" Chuck said "they are coming, the whole pack" he added. I relived a bit.
"What the hell happened inside?" Jackson asked me.
"I was searching for the bombs when that guy got in the hall. I secretly put two on my pockets. He was holding Maria and he wanted to take me to." I said "and I said I won't go til he leaves Maria" I added.
"And he just listened to you?" Taylor looked at me surprised.
"I have a big mouth." I said to him and he laughed. "So he kinda threw Maria on the ground" I said
"That's how she hurt her arm" Nate interrupted me.
"Yeah and he got closer to me and I threw the bomb in his face and we escaped" I said
"That's my girl" Taylor said and kissed me on cheek.
"I need to talk with Maria." I said
"We need to talk too" Taylor said. "She can't tell about us" he added.
"She won't. I know that" I said and stood up.
"Nate I want to go home" I said and looked at Nate. "I need to see Philip. We left him alone." I said to him and he stood up.
He started going toward the car and I stayed to say bye to Taylor.
"Are you sure you're OK?" He asked me and caressed my hair with his hands.
"Yeah. I just want to rest" I said
"I'll come tomorrow" he said and gave me a short kiss on the lips.
Nate and I got in the car and he started driving.
"You kissed her" I said to him "you kissed her" I said with a bit louder voice.
"She needed it" Nate said
"What do you know since day one?" I asked him because he told that to Maria.
"She likes me." Nate said "a lot" he added and I just took a deep breath. I couldn't believe he knew it all this time.
"Oh god. I can't believe what's happening" I said and looked through the window. It was still dark and I was a hell of worried. Worried about Maria and her reaction about all of this. Worried about Nate, Taylor and the whole pack about the attack from the other pack.
We arrived home and I went to my brother's room immediately. He was there sleeping in his bed. I quietly closed the door and went to my room. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I was awake whole night.

The sun started coming out and I showered and changed my clothes.
I dressed something casual and put my hair in ponytail. I went downstairs. Philip and Nate were probably still sleeping. I went strait to the kitchen and made some toasts and pancakes. I took the juice from the fridge and put it on the table on the kitchen. The breakfast was ready. I didn't want to wake up Nate and Philip so early because it was Sunday, so I just waited for them to wake up. I didn't wait for long though. After few minutes Nate came downstairs and later Philip joined us too.
We had our breakfast and it was completely silence. Me and Nate weren't talking because we both knew what happened the previous night and Philip was still sleepy.
"I am done" Philip said and got up from his place. "I'll go outside with some friends." He added and went upstairs to get ready.
"Can you clean the table?" I said to Nate.
"Where are you going?" He asked me
"At Maria's. I need to talk with her" I said and went to my room to get ready. I quickly changed my clothes and took the keys from the car. I got out of the house and I saw Nate sitting on the passenger seat in my car. I got in it.
"What are doing here?" I asked him
"I am coming with you" he said and I rolled my eyes.
"I am going alone." I said seriously
"Come on drive" he said
"Nathaniel get the fuck out. I wanna talk with my friend. I don't wanna lose her" I said nervously and kinda yelled at him.
"Well I kissed her last night and she thinks I am a monster, so drive" he yelled and waved with my hands from nervous.
I didn't want to complain. He was right too. He needed to talk too.
I started driving and we made our way to Maria's house.
We arrived and we went in front of the front door. We first took a deep breath, both of us and then I knocked on the door.
After a while someone opened. Maria's mum opened the door.
"Oh Vanessa" she smiled and looked at me "Nate" she smiled to Nate too.
"Maria is in her room right" I said and tried to hide the fact that she was probably mad at me and didn't want to see me.
"Yeah" her mum smiled. "Come in" she added and me and Nate got inside the house.
Her mum stayed in the kitchen and we went upstairs toward Maria's room. We were getting closer to the room and I could hear she was listening to Nirvana. She was listening it when she wasn't feeling good.
I knocked on the door and opened it.
"Maria" I called her. She was laying on her bed and when she heard me she turned around.
I got in and Nate was going after me.
"What the hell are you doing here" she said a bit nervously.
"We came to see you and talk to you" I said and got closer to her.
"I don't wanna talk." She said seriously without smile on her face. She was mad and angry.
"Maria please" I said and sat next to her on the bed. "I'll tell you everything." I said and tried to convince her to listen to me and try to understand the whole situation.
"What are you?" She asked and got closer to Nate. "I know you are something supernatural. I read a lot of books you know" she said and she didn't looked afraid of him like I was the first time.
"Maria. We'll explain you everything" Nate said to her.
"So you are something." She said and looked at both of us.
"Werewolf" Nate said and showed his blue eyes.
"And let me quess. You'll say me you are not beasts you are not bad. You are just wolfs and humans in one body and you are good" she said and faked a smile.
"Maria they are not bad." I said "when you just know them better they are the same" I added and she looked away.
"Well excuse me Vanessa. I can't. I am to scared to hang out with animals" she said and faked a smile "but you a are dating one so it's easy for you" she said.
"Can I explain you everything?" I asked her. "I won't hide anything and then you can decide if you want to continue your friendship with me" I said.
"Vanessa you're my best friend and I can't live without you but this is crazy" she said and I felt the fear in her voice.
"I know. It is for me too." I said and smiled. "Let me tell you everything" I added.
"OK" she said and then I saw she looked at Nate.
"You can leave now Nate" I said to him.
"Get out. We'll talk later" I said to him nervously.
"Uh. OK" he said and left.
"Well all started like this..." I started telling the whole story to Maria.
I spend more then an hour to explain her everything.
"Wow" she said and leaned on the pillow. "So what's called Taylor again?" She asked
"True alpha" I said
"Wait and you are not scared of him?" She looked at me "like he is kissing you and hugging" she was still a bit confused.
"I am not. I actually love his werewolf side" I smiled and she rolled her eyes.
"If you weren't involved in this I would've probably freak out now and for sure I would have told everyone." She said " but I trust you Vanessa." She added and smiled. "I know you all my life and I felt like I can trust you."
"You can trust me. We won't be messed up with it." I said "at least not you" I smiled.
"How do you mean at least not me?" She looked at me confused "you won't be too" she said
"I already am Maria" I said "my cousin and my boyfriend are in the same pack. Almost everyone from our enemies know me" I said. I didn't sound afraid because I wasn't. I don't know why but I wasn't.
"Vanessa are you fucking kidding me?" She yelled. "You are walking on the path to the dead." She said
"I can't Maria." I said "I can't" I added and stood up. "I don't want though" I said.
"Que?" She yelled
"I don't want to leave them." I said "I am going to help them as much as I can" I said and kinda smiled.
"Well you already chose" she said "you lost your best friend" she added and I felt a tear falling down her cheek.
"I don't wanna be close to anyone connected to that" she said "can you leave me alone now" she said and sat on her bed. She didn't looked at me. I was speechless. She had that right to keep distance from me. I kinda understood her but I was also I was hurt.
I don't wanna lose my best friend, my sister and my biggest support.
I made step back still not saying anything. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I was feeling bad. I didn't want to lose her.
I started crying and ran out of the room. I got in my car and started driving. I didn't want to talk with anyone. I just went home and locked in my room.

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