Chapter 10

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It was night. I was sitting with Nate at the balcony in my room. We were just sitting and watching the stars.
"Are you OK?" Nate asked me in one moment "say something" he looked at me
"I am OK." I said and smiled. "More than okay" I smiled and in that moment I thought about Taylor. He was making me feel like that.
I like him. Do I really have a crush on a werewolf? I do.
"Oh god. Vanessa stop." I didn't even realized I said that in loud.
"You have a thing for Taylor right?" Nate asked me and I dont know why I blushed. "You like him" he said and I saw him laughed.
"Nate shut up" I said to him and I couldn't not to blush.
"Its obviously. He weak around you and you are like idiot when you look at him" he said
"Oh my god really" I yelled. It couldn't be so obviously. I didn't even know I was looking at him so much.
"I knew it" he laughed "you are crazy for him" he said
"Nate stop it." I said "I am enough with having a think for a werewolf that's not going to even look at me" I said, but I knew my words weren't true. I knew Taylor looked at me in other way.
"And if there is a thing between you he won't be my alpha in that situation. I'll kill him if he hurts you" he said and I kinda rolled my eyes.
"Hey wait a minute." I said and stood up "there is nothing between us. And don't make plans for unreal things" I said and made my way back to my room. I kinda wanted to escape from that conversation.
"You won't avoid this conversation for so long" I heard him yelled from the balcony.
"Go and sleep" I said while I was getting ready to go to bed.
"I'll go for a walk" he said and I heard him jumping from balcony.
Not surprised.

I fall asleep with Taylor in my mind.
Oh god I really like him. Nate noticed it too. I can't. I was never in love. I never liked someone in that way.


I woke up at the morning and I heard the famous noise from downstairs. I got ready for school and went downstairs.
Everyone were having breakfast. I sat on my chair and took some tost and butter. I filled my glass with juise and started eating.
"Why are you so happy" Philip asked me in one moment.
"I am normal" I said
"You are blushing like an idiot" he said and I saw Nate laughing.
"That's normal when she is in this situation" Nate said and I gave him a warning look. My aunt and Philip looked at me. Mum and dad like always didn't noticed what was happening.
"I am going to school" I said trying to escape again from the conversation.
"Wait me" said Nate and followed me.
We went toward my car and opened the front door. Nate opened the door from the passenger seat.
"If you want ride to the school shut up." I said and he laughed." you won't talk Nate." I added
"OK let's go. Well be late" he said and we got in the car.

We arrived at the school and spend another usual day at school. Maria went home earlier and I was alone when I left the school. I went toward the parking and I saw Nate getting out of the school too.
"Hey come on of you are going home" I yelled to him and he started going toward me.
"I am not going home" he said and I gave him a questioning look. "I am going at the woods" he said
"I'll drive" I said and opened the door.
"Are you sure?" He asked me "the other pack came." He said
"I am" I said and got in.
"Feelings are stronger then fear right?" He said when he got in and I punched him in the shoulder.
"Shut up" I said and started driving.
"Where I need to drive?" I asked him
"At the woods house" he said
"Its burned" I said confused.
"Probably the best place for that meetings." He said and I just rolled my eyes.
Werewolf's thing.

Under the Moonlightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن