Chapter Forty

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I walked upstairs to find Chloe, I think something is wrong. Usually she would laugh at a prank like that but for some reason she didn't this time.

"Chloee!"  I called as I walked up the last step, "Chloe!!" I called again, growing more and more impatient.

I walked/ran up to her closed bedroom door and knocked. There was no reply, so I just barged straight in. 

Chloe was curled up in the bed, I could hear her crying. I told myself to do something but when it comes to dealing with people that are upset, I'm pretty useless. 

"C-Chloe it was just a prank, I'm sorry I thought you might think it was funny" I said quietly as I closed the door and joined her on the bed. She sniffled one last time and sat up, looking directly into my eyes with her red, tired ones.

"It was funny, I just had a bad dream that's all. Don't worry it's not your fault" She replied with a sad and fake smile, to which I returned.

"Okay" I sighed and laid down on the bed, pulling her in by the waist and bringing her head to my chest. 

"try and go back to sleep, I'll be here" I said, beginning to run my fingers through her hair in what I hoped would be a soothing method to get her to fall asleep easier and quicker.

"okay" she whispered her voice barely audible. 


After Chloe woke up from her very long sleep we decided watch a movie and order pizza, well me and Josh order pizza. Chloe order some weird sumo salad thing? She says she needs to start getting back into her usual healthy lifestyle.

"PIZZA'S HERE!" Josh called out, I could hear him running down stairs and opening the front door. As he did the smell of pizza filled the house, the corners of my mouth lifted into a smile. 

Josh walked into the lounge with two boxes of pizza in his hands. 

"I'm just going to pick up my salad, behave!" Chloe called out to us, "Yep" we both replied at the same time popping the 'p.'

"and don't start the movie without me" she added before closing the door. Josh and I both got stuck straight into our pizza.

"You know" Josh said, swallowing the last bits of his first piece of pizza, I turned my head towards him to engage in what ever he was going to say.

"I heard you, when I was in the hospital..talking about Chloe" he said stuffing his face with another slice.

I stopped eating, was he being serious? I didn't know what to think, what does he think?

"do you really love her?" he asked, paying more attention to me than his pizza by now.

"I think so mate" I smiled, unsure of how he'd react.

"I'm glad, I actually like you. She usually dates douche bags.." Josh muttered turning his attention back to his pizza. 

"That's good, I need the stamp of approval from someone." I smiled. 

Just as I was about to bite into the next bit of pizza my phone rang. 

I picked it up and checked the caller ID, it was Marcus. Why was he calling me? I shrugged, answered it and excused myself from the room.


J- Hey Marky

M- Hey Joe, where have you been recently I thought you were coming back from Australia ages ago?

J- Um, Long story short, I met someone and things happened with her and I needed to stay a while longer

M-alright dude, yeah I was just curious cause I haven't seen you around in a bit, or even seen any new videos in a little while

J-shit! I forgot I had a youtube channel to run, hahah I've just been hanging out in aus, um yeah woops

M-oh wow haha, as long as your alright though, is your 'girl' coming back here?

J- yeah, we're coming soon

M- what's she like, tell me the gossip

J- well, she's an athlete, a professional one too. Her name is Chloe and I'm very happy

M- sounds like a keeper then

J-I think so 

M- good for you man, can't wait to see you again and meet her

J- alright, I'll see you soon then 

J- bye Joseph 

M- Bye Marqiouse 

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