Chapter Twenty

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I woke up to the usual sound of birds and Fremantle morning traffic. I yawned and tried to sit up and stretch but I was stopped by the feeling of a large arm around my middle. An arm? Oh yeah Joe. That's right he stayed over last night.

I laid back down and cuddled into Joe's shirt again. I looked up at him, he's still fast asleep, wow he looks good. His hair is messy and his skin is tanned, he has a happy expression plastered on his face. I can't wait to go to England with him. 

I sighed a little, thinking how good life is right in this moment. Obviously I sighed a little loud because Joe stirred. I smiled a little, his eyes drifted open and a smile landed on  his face as he took in his surroundings.

"morning" I smiled

"good morning love'" he said in his adorable English morning  voice. It was hot, not going to lie.

I giggled a little and then attempted to sit up again, but I was pulled back down by Joe. "mmmm, not yet, It's too early" he said. I picked up my phone which was on my bed side table, turned it on. 8:30?! "Joe it's 8:30, I have training in a few hours and don't you have that meet and greet thingy" I said chuckling a little at the annoyed expression which replaced his happy one. 

"Ugh, but I'm so warm" he replied. "I know" I said and placed a small kiss to his forehead. I sat up, successfully this time and jumped out of bed. I walked into the bathroom turned the water on and splashed my face, waking me up. I pulled out my toothbrush from the cabinet that was just above the sink and put some tooth paste on it. Put it under the water and began brushing my teeth. Joe walked towards me and put his arms around my waist from behind, resting his chin on the crown of my head.

I finished brushing my teeth and turned to face Joe. He leaned in for a kiss but I swerved it. He looked confused. "Morning breath mate" I said the Australian accent coming out strong unintentionally. "hahah, you sound so Australian in the morning" he said brushing off the recent event. 

"Don't I sound Australian all the time? I am Australian after all" I giggled at his comment and handed him some mouth wash. He took it and swished some around in his mouth before spitting it out.

"an Australian accent is cute on you" He chuckled

"good, because I can't really change it" I replied sassily.

"your sassy" He said, "I like it" 

I just smiled and went up on my tippy toes pressing a small kiss to his lips. He hummed into it and pulled away with a smile. "I could get used to this" he said.

"ditto" I replied.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bathroom, past the bedroom and into the kitchen. He sat down on one of the stools and I looked around for something for us to eat for breakfast. 

"we could go out for breakfast" Joe said

"yeah, if you want" I said, sitting down next to him.

"Go get changed" he said smiling

"why, can't I wear this out" I joked flaunting my pj's

"you can if you want, I don't mind" He laughed, I giggled at his response and headed up stairs to change my outfit.

I entered my room and looked through my wardrobe for something decent to wear. 

I picked out some dark blue jeans with rips at the knees and a black nirvana tank top. I quickly jumped in the shower, keeping my hair dry.

When I got out I slipped my clothes on, washed me face and reapplied some concealer and mascara.

I walked back down the stairs, Joe was sitting the same stool scrolling thought twitter on his phone. I coughed a little to get his attention. He jumped, hahahah oops.

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