Ëthia: Chapter 14 ~ A Drop of History~

Start from the beginning

"Are you fond of this girl?" Ember asked.

The king was shocked that she spoke up, "Fond?"

Ember was getting irritated very quickly once more, "Do you hate this dark skinned girl? Or do you like her?"

The king stood up and looked down at her, "And why is that important to you?"

Ember thought about being quiet again but knew she was getting somewhere this man, "I've been tracking this girl down, I need to get a hold of her"

"And why is that?" Wesley asked with amusement.

Ember paused for a moment knowing that she had his complete attention, "Because I need to kill her"

Wesley had a smile appear on his face, "Kill?"

Ember smiled, "Yes".

Wesley walked back over to his throne and sat down on it, he looked over at her and looked satisfied. He thought deeply, he knew that he could use this to the best of his advantage.

That dark skinned girl had ran off with his daughter, and that was fine, he could care less about seeing his daughter again. The problem at hand was that he knew she would be back, he knew his daughter would come back and be wiser, stronger, and much more of a threat to everything he had worked to keep her away from.

He looked at Ember with intrigue, he knew this was a moment to take. He had heard of all the people she had killed in his realm, she was lethal and he liked that.

'Felicity wouldn't stand a chance' Wesley thought to himself.

He stood up and spoke loud so that all the people in the royal courtroom would hear him, "I will let you live"

Everyone in the room suddenly gasped which was followed by murmurs scattered across the room, "Why is he doing this?", "Shouldn't she be punished?"

King Wesley smirked at the reaction he was getting from the people, "But only under two conditions".

The people instantly went quiet.

Ember looked at him with intrigue, "What?"

Wesley walked closer to her and stopped a few feet away, "The first condition is that you let us kill one of your men, in memory of all those who we have lost due to you and your men".

Some of the people smiled at the idea while others still weren't happy with the king allowing her to live.

He waited for a response from Ember.

Ember didn't have to think or debate with the first condition, she knew she would already sacrifice one of her men, that was no problem, she just wanted to see the king wait anxiously for a response, and that's the exact reaction she got.

"Consider it done" Ember said.

Wesley smiled with amusement, being in control for him was one of the biggest enjoyments of life, never had he liked someone else taking control or having more of say then he did.

"And the second condition?" Ember asked

Wesley turned around and smiled at his children and queen, he walked forward to them and sat on his throne. "My second condition? My second condition is that when you find this dark skinned girl that not only will you kill her, but you will kill my daughter as well".

The people in the room went quiet, not out of astonishment, but merely out of the fact that it had taken this long for him to finally follow through on what he has been saying he'd do for years.

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