CHP 28: Accidents

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Fifi's POV

"Since you are a new class, you'll be having new schedule," Mrs Lee said as she check the schedule. "It seems like you'll be needing to go to the lab by now. So, please proceed to the lab now or else you're going to be late."

I take out books and stuffs that we will probably need for later in the lab. I re-check everything then I stand up from my seat.

"Hyorin, let's go," Aay said.

I smiled and we start to walk out of the class. Four of us walk together towards the lab. As we enter the lab, the teacher was already there. Since we are new class, so we don't know our sitting arrangement.

"Sir, should we sit randomly first?" I asked.

"Wait for everyone to come then I will choose your lab partner," he smiled.

Not long after, everyone are here. We were still standing waiting for him to give instruction.

"Okay! Everyone is here?" he asked.

"Probably yes," answered Lily.

"Great. So listen carefully. Front row, table one will be Kim Min Seok with Kim Jun Myeon and Huang Zi Tao with Zhang Yi Xing. Table two will be Wu Yi Fan with Do Kyung Soo and Kim Jong In with Nam Ai Ren. Table three will be Kim Jong Dae with Heo Sang Hwa and Oh Se Hun with Park Chan Yeol. Last table, table four will be Byun Baek Hyun with Kim Hyo Rin and Lu Han with Kang Lin Ah," he said.

We sit at our seat that had been arrange by the teacher. I turn to my side and saw my lab partner smiling. I smiled back then pay attention to the teacher.

"Since this is our first time meeting, you probably don't know my name," he said. We just shook our head. "My name is Jeong Ii-Chul. Call me Mr Jeong for short."

"Okay Mr Jeong," all of us said.

"Now, I want you to do something very simple and easy. I want you to connect all of the components on your table and make the bulb to light up. Understood?" he asked.

"Yes!" all of us answered.

I start to arrange them. I really need to be aware with all of these components since water shouldn't touch electricity. It will be a nightmare. I turn to my side just to see Baekhyun holding the bulb.

"What's wrong with the bulb?" I asked.

"The goal of this experiment is to make this bulb light up right?" he asked me back.

"Yeah. That's the goal. So what about it?" I asked again.

"You know that I can achieve that goal in a blink of an eye? Watch this," he said.

I darted my eyes at him. He touch the bulb with his finger then the bulb light up. I widen my eyes in amazement.

"Wow. Amazing," I uttered.

He smiled then help me to connect everything. Soon enough we finish but the bulb doesn't light up.

"What's wrong with this? Why doesn't it light up?" I asked furiously.

"You mean, like this?" he said as he touch the bulb. As usual, the bulb light up again.

"That was really amazing. Thing must go easy with that magical finger of yours," I chuckled.

"It was because of your wet fingers that keep on touching the components. So, please be aware," he warned.

I look to other partner. I saw Chanyeol was trying to touch the wire. I widen my eyes in horror. What if something bad happen. I prepare myself to stand up. Chanyeol slowly and slowly touch the wire.

Not long after...

"AHHH!! PARK CHANYEOL!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Zee shouted. The bulbs around flickered.

Flame was produced and everyone was panicking. I was totally panicked that I forget I should be helping them.

"HELP!!" shouted Chanyeol. The flame getting bigger as he shouted out loud.

"EVERYONE!!" Mr Jeong tried to catch our attention but obviously failed.

Not long after, Suho, finally let out his power. A quite big amount of water extinguish the fire. But table three were all very unlucky. All of them gets wet.

"Thank you very much Suho," Chen clenched his teeth.

"At least this lab doesn't burn," Suho shrugged.

All four of them wipe their face with their hand to get a clear version. Zee heave a sigh.

"This is all your fault Chanyeol. You know that this will happen, you should have just let Sehun touch the components and not you," Zee said.

"She's right hyung. You could've just ask me to do it. Just give instruction," Sehun agreed.

"I am totally sorry. I couldn't help it," Chanyeol apologized.

"Okay! Everyone, calm down!" Mr Jeong shouted. "Table three, you can go and get change."

Zee, Sehun, Chen and Chanyeol immediately walked out of the lab. Zee, Sehun and Chen looks really disappointed.

"Please always be aware of your own power. I know you really want to do everything but you still need to think of other people too. Don't just think of yourselves. If you can't do them because of your power, then don't do it. We must care about our safety," Mr Jeong told us.

We just stay quiet and nod our head. For your information, he is just a normal human. He know who we are but don't really know that much. All of our subject teacher know about us. They were told to keep it a secret from students and other teachers. Soon, he hand out paper work for us to do.

After some minutes, the three boys came in. I think girls really take a long time to change. Zee had not come yet. The bell rang and we hand out our paperwork. Lily help to carry Zee's stuffs back to class.

"Hyorin," Mr Jeong called out. "Could you help me carry this to my table?"

"Sure," I agreed. I carry the stuffs and went straight to the staffroom. I asked the teacher there on where Mr Jeong's table was. They show me the way and I thanked them. I put his stuffs neatly on his table then went out of the staffroom.

I pass by an empty class where I overheard a strange conversations.

"They are all starting to work together. We should do something."

"Don't worry. I am so sure that Zee is not the type of person who will work together with liars."

"You sure?"


"Then I'll settle those three rude girls while you settle her."

"I will probably use my chance to ruin her life. I will make her life miserable as long as I am here."

Okay? Did I heard something wrong? Did they just say Zee's name?

After I overheard their conversation, I immediately rushed towards the class. I was still thinking.

Who other than us, will know that Sanghwa's actual name is Zee? Is this something that relate with the three of us also? I am... Confused. Who are those liars? Who are those people?


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