Ëthia: Chapter 10 ~ A Lie Does Wonders~

Start from the beginning

"Well I'm the oldest, and I say you both should shut your mouths" Berko added in. "Listen, we kill the princess, or make her be with him, and then we are wealthy, and we got lots of power, we can handle this"

The brothers agreed and began to get ready. They went to the river and picked a few berries and ate them with the food they had brought with them.

"Do you think we can do it?" Keyon asked, "You know, kill the princess"

Berko looked at him, "It shouldn't be that hard, she's just one girl"

Keyon sighed, "That's not what I meant. What I mean is, well she didn't exactly do anything to us, we haven't even met the girl"

Berko went over to Keyon and picked him up by the neck of the shirt, "Don't think like that, we don't have time for you to be making stupid mistakes, got it? For all you know, even when you see her, she is this ugly, nasty, human being."

He let Keyon go and sat back down.

"Infact" Berko added in, "Don't even think of this girl as a human"

Keyon looked at his brother and nodded his head in agreement.

A few moments of silence passed by the brothers and soon Xrin was back.

"I swear we are never going to catch up to her, I just hope we are on the right path still" Xrin said sitting down with his nephews.

The brothers and Xrin sat and just enjoyed a few moments of rest and ease.

Cayman looked at Xrin who stared back at him, "What do you want?" Xrin blurted out.

Cayman hesitated to answer.

"Spit it out already" Xrin demanded.

"Why... Why do you hate the princess so much?" Cayman asked weakly.

Xrin glared at Cayman. He remained quiet, just looking at Cayman with intensity.

Cayman's gaze grew weaker, "Never mind, I was just cur-"

"Because" Xrin said, " I can't stand women. They are evil, they are heartless, and they are only good for one thing and one thing only"

"What's that?" Keyon asked, jumping into the conversation.

"Breeding" Xrin said firmly. "Listen to me when I say this boys, don't fall in love, it's a waste of time, don't bother befriending women, they are only here for our pleasure, got that?"

The brothers could tell that there was a pain in Xrin's voice, but they didn't know exactly what was causing it.

"But even if you feel that way about women, why do you specifically hate the princess herself much more than others" Cayman asked.

Xrin looked forward, not at anything, just forward, "Because she is in the way, she is in the way of what rightfully belongs to me. If she didn't exist, or if she would of just died with her worthless mother then I would be the prince, and you know what? Everyone loves a prince, no one would dare leave a prince, no one!" He said firmly.

The brothers all got quiet, no one wanted to ask him another question.

"Did that answer your question?" Xrin asked impatiently.

Cayman nodded his head.

Silence once again fell over the group until Keyon got extremely curious and asked a question, "Is that how you feel about your sister?, Other known as my mother"

Xrin looked at Keyon, "She is the exception"

Keyon smiled back at him.

They all sat there and began to enjoy the morning scene and all that it had.

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