Foot Assassins and Red Claw!

Start from the beginning

(Red Claw...)

I growled at him furiously. "I know who you are Red Claw." I glared at him.

"Clever girl." Red Claw smirked. "Then you must know why I am here for."

"You came here to kill me."

"That's the answer. Now surrender quietly and I'll spare your life. And maybe I'll make you my daughter."

"Never! You killed my life and my family and the villagers! And now you're gonna pay!" I growled and got into my angry wolf spirit.

~Casey's Perspective~

I gasped as Aqua was about to fight that huge black wolf with armor all over him. He kinda looks like Shredder! I couldn't believe at what I was seeing and I didn't know what to do.

'What to do? What to do?!' I panicked in my mind.

I looked at my T-Phone and decided to call the turtles so they can help out.

I looked at my T-Phone and decided to call the turtles so they can help out

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~No one's Perspective~

Raphael got the call from Casey saying that his friend Aquamarine was in trouble.

"It's time to raise some shell!" Raphael said to his brothers.

"Let's do this." Leonardo said.

"Booyakasha!" Michelangelo said.

Pretty soon, they all ran out of their hideout to save Casey and his friend that was the key to their mystery.

~My Perspective~

"Alright then princess. Fight me to see what your daddy taught you!" Red Claw taunted at me.

"With pleasure!" I ran to him and started to bite his fur and claw at his face.

He dodged those and clawed at my side which caused me to yelp. I shook off the pain and fought him off again by using my fangs to find his weak spot. His weak spot was his back and I bit into his back really hard before he can send me flying into a building wall.

"You're really good at this. No wonder you're daddy's little girl." Red Claw smirked.

I panted. "W-Well why did you destroy my family and my home f-for?!" I asked angrily.

"So I can see you suffer and to get revenge for what your family did to my father..."

"What did they do to your father?!"

"They killed him during the Great Wolf War while I was still a pup. And now, you're the last of their sins that will be terminated!"

"Raahhh!!!!" I grew so mad that I clawed out the right side of his face and made him lose an eye. I couldn't believe that I did that, but it felt good.

"You're truly daddy's little girl. My turn." he charged at me and clawed right through my fur from my chest.

I screamed in pain. "Aww!!!"

Casey gasped and watched from afar. "Aqua!"

I started to lose my vision due to the gash at my chest, and I was losing so much blood.

Red Claw stepped on my throat so he can prevent me from breathing. "This is the end Aquamarine. Finally, your fate will be terminated by me. Goodbye forever." he said as was releasing his mechanical knife embedded in his right front paw which he aimed it at my throat.

My eyes grew wide as I was about to be killed of by the enemy that killed my family and villager friends. And now it's my turn, my fate is about to be annihilated.

He was about to plunge the knife at my throat until 4 mysterious shadows appeared. They kicked Red Claw off of me and stood right in front of me. "What's this?"

"Leave her alone you animal!" one of the shadowy figures said. The shadow figure and the other 3 were fighting off Red Claw, as if they were protecting me.

(The mysterious shadows)

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(The mysterious shadows)

I heard 2 pairs of footsteps from behind and looked up as April and Casey were above me. "Ow..."

"Aqua! Are you okay?!" April cried as she saw my wounds and pets my head. "You're hurt really badly... Donnie! Help!" she said to one of the shadows I couldn't really image.

'W-Who's D-Donnie?' I thought to myself as I coughed a lot due to Red Claw's grasp at my throat and I started to get really tired. Maybe it was the amount of blood I was losing from my wounds, even my chest I've been gashed at. I was struggling not to fall asleep.

"Aqua! Don't fall asleep! Stay awake! Hurry up Donatello, she's losing so much blood!" Casey demanded and looked down at me. "You're gonna be okay Aqua! Just hang in there!"

I tried my very best to not fall asleep, but the darkness was beating me. As I was about to slumber out into the darkness, I saw the 4 shadows that were coming over to see and I slowly fell asleep into the shadowy pit.

~April's Perspective~

"Aqua! Aqua! Please wake up!" I shook her as she was passing out due to blood loss. She didn't move.

"April, what's wrong?!" my purple banded turtle friend Donnie asked.

"Aqua's really hurt! Please help her!" I cried.

"We gotta save her now!" Leo, my blue banded turtle friend consulted us as he picks her up in his arms. "Let's move! Right now!"

"Okay!" we all said and started running back to the lair.

I looked at her and prayed that she'll be okay. 'Hang in there Aqua...'

~To be continued...

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