Ëthia: Chapter 8 ~You Don't Own Me~

Start from the beginning

Ëthia looked at Felicity with concern, "And how many guards are at the front gate"

"We wouldn't take the front, We'd take the west gate, only three guards are there at a time" Felicity informed, "Assuming we can beat them or something without getting caught, we can make a clean get away and be far from here before they figure out what hit them."

Ëthia smiled. "Fate is working with us for sure".

"Well I'm glad we are planning and all that" Jarom spoke, "But once again, you girls didn't think another thing through."

Both girls looked at Jarom with interest.

"Where are we even going"

Felicity smiled, "Well, if we have to get all the Royalty together, then the obvious choice would be to go find the next member of our little group."

"Again" Jarom repeated, "Where, are we going?"

Ëthia then got it, "Where else Jarom?" She said rhetorically.

Jarom looked at Ëthia with a blank expression, "I have no clue".

"The Earth Territory" Felicity filled in, "Think about it, The Fire Empire we have to take a two week boat trip to get there plus the trip back. The Earth Territory on the other hand is a seven day journey from here, and they have a boat that goes by The Fire Empire, I'm sure we could get them to stop and let us off"

Ëthia continued Felicity's thought, "So we go get the prince or princess of the Earth Territory, get them to join us, find out some information that they probably have, and then make our way to The Fire Empire."

Felicity continued, "By that time we should have all the missing pieces that we are looking for, and we will be much more established."

Jarom was leaning up in the bed staring at the girls without saying a word.

"What?" Both girls said at once.

Jarom fell back on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

Ëthia and Felicity both began to laugh, "You'll catch up" Felicity promised.

They continued to talk for a while longer before Felicity got up to leave.

"Remember" Ëthia said, "Have your things ready for tomorrow"

Felicity smiled and walked out the door.

By now Ember and her Assassins had reached the fork in the road that Ëthia and Jarom found themselves debating a day earlier.

"I'm not in the mood for thinking and choosing a path to take" Ember informed the men, "So, half of you are going to take the left path and the other half of you are going with me on the right path".

The only lighting that they had was the half moon that shined bright in the air, clouds were around the moon but didn't cover it at all.

In the distance you could hear an owl that seemed quite amused with it's own noises.

Ember looked off in the distance, "What is that awful noise" She spat out.

She stood quiet for a moment and then shot lightning out into the trees, instantly the sound of the owl stopped. Ember smiled, "Much better".

The men stood there waiting for their next command.

"Now" Ember instructed, "You are to travel your path for two days, if you come across nothing, then turn back around and join the other group. Make sure to leave signs that only we can tell that will insure we are on the right track, got it?"

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