Chapter 48: Until We Meet Again

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As Ebok finishes his attack Akuma falls on the ground with a hole in his chest. Ebok turns around and faces Akuma.

Ebok: Now let me show you what I taught myself. Angel's Eye! Beautiful Destruction!

The ground beneath Akuma starts to cave in. Once it's fully caved in pure white spiked come from the ground and shoot through Akuma. The spikes continuously rise until Akuma is completely ripped apart. After Akuma is ripped about the spikes disperse causing Akuma to be blown until a million tiny pieces. As Akuma's body is destroyed the souls escape and travel back to the realm of the dead.

After Mizu and the others see this they run and grab Ebok.

Commander Surry: He did it.

Catherine: Wow, this kid...

Isis: I always knew you could do it.

Desean: Hmph.

Mizu: You owe me a fight.

While everyone is celebrating a mysterious figure comes from the sky. It turns out to be Megami Goddess of Goddesses. She has pure white hair with pure white eyes. Her skin is light brown without any blemishes or discoloration. She petite in size and stands 6 feet tall.

Megami: My children. You have done the work of Gods today, and for that I thank you. Ebok... You have defended your realm with pride and you have surpassed every Tubian that I know and even Gods. I will like to grant you one wish.

Ebok: A wish... Well can you bring everyone back that died do to Akuma.

Megami: Yes.

Megami flies in the air and and opens her hands. After she does this all the people that died start to come back. Serif, Ken, Okura, and Natashi appear.

Serif: I'm alive?

Ken: Is this for real?

Okura: What the?

Natashi: I can't believe-

Before Natashi can finish his sentence, Ume runs up and hugs him.

Serif run towards Desean and hugs him.

Megami: My work here is done, and thank you all again. Especially you Ebok.

After she says this she starts flying towards the sky. Mizu follows her.

Mizu: I will be back for that fight.

Ebok: And I will be waiting.

After Ebok says this Megami and Mizu disappear.

Ken: Wait. So who killed Akuma.

Desean: There's the guy over there. *pointing at Ebok*

Ken looks at Ebok in amazement.

Ken: Wow, he really is a strong kid...

After everyone hugs and celebrates, Serif invites everyone to his Palace. There Everyone feasts. After their stomachs are full, he offers Ebok the Head Captain's position, but he refuses. Ebok then says that he would rather continue his training and become stronger. As everyone is about to leave.

Isis: So this is goodbye?

Ebok: No you're coming with me.

Isis: Huh?

Ebok: You're coming with me. I'm never leaving without you again.

Isis blushes and then replies.

Isis: Well okay.

Desean: ( running) Ebok, wait up.

Desean joins Ebok and Isis.

Desean: So you're leaving huh?

Ebok: Yeah,

Desean: Well you better be back before the tournament.

Ebok laughs then replies.

Ebok: Most definitely.

Desean: Well I'll go back inside and give you two some privacy.

Desean leaves Ebok and Isis

Ebok grabs Isis' hand tells her to close her eyes. Once he tells her to open them they are on the sacred mountain. Ebok introduces Isis and Gao and they begin their training.

The end of the Akuma Saga

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