Chapter 50: Soul Retrieval

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Setting: Realm of the Dead

Stone, Okura and Gensui travel to the Realm of the Dead. Once they get there they run into the guardians of the pool of dead souls, Maki and Gaki, twin warrior angels.

Maki: Show yourself intruder

Stone: Hello Maki, long time no see

Stone appears from the shadows.

Maki: What is your business here?

Stone: You know why I'm here. There's a soul that I need to grab from that pool you guard with your life.

Gaki: Oh if it isn't Akuma's bitch. *snickers* Nice to see you.

Stone turns to Gaki and gives him a menacing look.

Maki: Every soul that goes in must stay for all and eternity.

Gaki: I hope you don't plan on taking his soul by force huh?

Stone: How about I make a deal? You give me Akuma's soul and I let you two live.

Gaki: Bwahahaha, you hear that brother? He said he would us live. You can't be serious.

Maki: May I remind you of our last encounter?

Stone: Very well then.

Stone powers up as black energy aura swirling around him.

Maki: I'll end this quickly.

Maki charges towards Stone. He throws a punch that Stone blocks but the impact still sends him flying. Stone catches himself but once his looks up Maki hits him with a sledgehammer fist causing him to crash into the ground.

Gaki: All that tough talk just to be in the ground eating dirt.

As Gaki says this, Gensui sneaks up behind him and touches his back.

Gaki: What the? A demon?

Before Gaki can comprehend what's going on Okura hits him with a sneak attack kicking his chest, sending him sliding into the dirt. As he tries to get up he notices his body decaying.

Gaki: Nooo! Maki!

As Maki turns around he sees his brother decayed body.

Maki: Brother!

Maki releases an extreme amount of cosmic energy.

Maki: Now you all will die here!

Stone: I don't think so. Paralysis technique!

Maki: Errgh I can't move

Stone: Gensui now!

Gensui rushes over and grabs Maki's neck.

Gensui: I haven't killed an angel in a long time, I'll make sure to savor this.

Maki struggles as he tries to escape Gensui's grasp, but he slowly stops moving as his head and soon after his full body decays in Gensui's hand.

Gensui: So powerful yet so fragile, (Laughing) that was fun.

Stone: Now let's get what we came for and leave. They'll be sending back up once they find out Maki and Gaki are dead.

Gensui: *sigh* Why must the fun must end.

Stone and the others grab Akuma's and Shen's souls and use Stone's teleportation to return to Earth Realm.

Stone: I will give you Shen's soul on one condition.

Okura: What are you getting at? We took those souls together.

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