Chapter 16: The Devil's Eye Awakens

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Setting: Shén's hideout

Shén: I don't really know how demons work since I wasn't the one who created them, but I know about your Tubian side so I guess we can focus on that.

Jin: Hmph okay

Shén: Since you're an evil Tubian you should have black energy running through your veins.

Jin: Yeah I know how to control that, that's easy.

Shén: Well since you basically have everything down pack you should meditate.

Jin: Meditate?

Shén: Yes meditate, you see how you were easily beat by Okura? Well you were scared and weren't focused, you have amazing power, but won't unleash it.

Jin: Well I know how to do it, just never did it.

Shén: Try to do it for the rest of the day.

Jin: Alright, uh thank you.

Shén: Welcome. *nods head*

Okura wakes up and looks around.

Okura: (thinking) I can feel myself getting stronger. If Shén thinks he's going to take my body he's badly mistaken.

Shén comes inside.

Shén: Ahhh I see you're awake... Do you feel your power growing.

Okura: Hell yes *grins* and the more I learn how to control my beast form the stronger I become.

Shén: Hmm, how about instead just focusing on your beast form let's practice on your physical energy.

Okura: Physical Energy?

Shén: Your hand to hand combat, your fighting style.

Okura: What fighting style are we doing?

Shén: I was thinking to give you 2 fighting styles. One for your normal form and one for your beast form.

Okura: That is a good idea, when will we start?

Shén: We will start tomorrow, but I will demonstrate the fighting style for you and after I demonstrate it for you I want you to meditate on the way I did it.

Okura: Okay, well do it.

Shén: Hey don't make it seem like you're ordering me to do it.

Okura: Whatever, can you just do it, please?

Shén: This is the Braken's Fist, this fighting style consists of hard punches and kicks, this not a mobile technique so you have to kinda get closed in on your opponent.

Shén demonstrates the Braken's fist, Okura watches and observes hard and well to see the movements and the style.

Shén: Did you get it.

Okura: Yes

Shén: Now for your beast form I will show you I will show you the Gorilla's Dance. This fighting style is for people who are powerful but can move fast, this fighting style is really flexible and mobile and you won't master it easy.

Okura: Ha!, watch me.

Shén demonstrates the fighting style and shows Okura how to do it.

Shén: Well now that you've got it, I won't yoy to meditate on it.

Okura: Alright I got you.

Okura goes into meditation.

Ebok's house...

Ebok: Well it's almost dark, and I know how scary your mom can be, so you want to get going?

Isis: Yeah, let's go

Ebok and Isis start on their way.

While flying home they see a woman getting attacked by 3 men dressed in all black, they were sticking an object inside her stomach.

Ebok: Oh no, they're killing that woman. Hey! Stop!

Ebok descends from the sky and Isis hops off his back

The robbers turn around,

Robber 2: Oh look boss it's a Tubian.

Robber 3: Yeah we should get his energy.

Robber 1: Very well then *taking the object out of the Woman*

They all walk up slowly toward Ebok. Robber 1 dashes on the side of him, and tries to punch Ebok in the face, but he blocks it with his forearm Robber 2 does the same thing, but is blocked by Ebok, Robber 3 comes running to Ebok's stomach with the object that drains energy.

Robber 3: Now you're gonna die!

Ebok titters, and as Robber 3 gets close, Ebok flips kicking the object out of his hand. Ebok lands on his hands and kicks both of the robbers.

Ebok: (smiling) How you like that?

Isis: (thinking) This is Demon energy im sensing. (Speaking) Baby watch out they're Demons.

Ebok: Well that just makes it more interesting.

Robber 1: You really think you can beat us, you're delusional.

Ebok: Who are you anyway?

Robber 1: You're going to die anyway so does it really matter. (Laughs) I am Samuel, he is Nathan(Robber 2), and he is Darf( Robber 3).

Ebok: Oh well, I will kick all of your butts and send you back to the Chaos Realm.

Samuel: You can try.

Ebok powers up and multiples his gravitational force to 50%

Ebok charges at them

Samuel: (whispering) let's fight foreal

Ebok swings at Samuel, but he ducks and punches Ebok in the stomach, Ebok's eyes get big and he spits up salvia. Nathan kicks Ebok in face. Darf then grabs Ebok's hair.

Samuel: What happened to all that confidence? (Laughs)

Isis: Hey! Let him go!

Isis Charges at Darf, but Samuel knocks her unconscious.

Ebok: You... You... Hit my Isis... HOW DARE YOUUUU.

Ebok's right eye turns red.

He then blows Darf back with a stunning elbow to the stomach. Samuel tries to charge at him, but Ebok dashes behind him and sends an eye beam from his red eye through Samuel's heart.

Nathan: What the why isn't he healing?

Darf: The only attacks that can stop us from regenerating are attacks from Akuma.

Ebok ends their conversation by smashing their heads in the ground.

Ebok: DIE!

Nathan: (Whispering and injured) We must... Escape

Darf: (Whispering and Injured) I agree.

The demons teleport away...

The end of Chapter 16

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