Chapter 43: Backfire

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Akuma: Die!

Akuma creates a small black hole and launches it at Okura. Okura is quickly swallowed by the black hole and ripped to tiny pieces. Desean watches as Okura is ripped apart.

Desean: No! Dammit.

Desean powers up to sun lightning.

Desean: (thinking) It seems my dad and Ken are preparing a seemingly powerful technique. All I have to do is hold him off until they're done... And I have the perfect move.

Desean: Hey Akuma!

Akuma turns around...

Akuma: Oh I forgot you were there. Hahahaha. I will do you exactly how I did your friend.

Desean: I doubt it. Now take this!

Desean jumps in the air...

Desean:With the power of the sun in fused with lightning.

Lightning comes from the sun and forms into a cloud of fire and lightning. The fire inside with the lightning wrapping around it. The fire a reddish orange, and the lightning a gold yellow.

Desean: Solar Shock!

Desean throws the attack at Akuma. Akuma takes the attack head on. The attack creates an extreme amount of dust and wind to disperse throughout the area.

Desean: (exhausted) That... Was... All... Of... My... Power.

After Desean says this he passes out and falls face first into the ground. As the smoke clears, Akuma is laying on the ground with his whole right side blown completely off. Even half of his face is gone, but do to his regeneration factor he quickly regenerates and stands back up.

Akuma: *patting himself off* (thinking) That was close I need to finish these weak earthlings off before they get too confident.


Ken and Serif: It's done!

Ken and Serif combine and become one. The form that appears is a being in gulped in red fire and yellow lightning. The being has no face or voice, no hair or features, just fire and lightning around his body. Akuma notices the power. It takes his attention away from Desean and focuses on the Lightning Eclipse.

Akuma: Where did the other two go? Wait are you-

Before Akuma can finish his sentence he is punched in the face by the Lightning Eclipse. The punch sends him flying and melts his jaw off, but he quickly regenerates it back. The Lightning Eclipse speeds toward him and kicks him in the sky melting his his stomach. He then charge a huge Lightning bolt and sends it at Akuma.

Akuma: Okay that's it. Let's see how you handle 35%!

The attack lands a direct hit, and creates a massive explosion throughout the area defoliating nearby trees and bushes. As the smoke clears, Akuma is seen with a few scars and scratches, but they are quickly regenerated.

Akuma: That attack would've killed me at 5%, but at 35% it doesn't stand a chance.

The Lightning Eclipse charges at Akuma again. Akuma puts up his guard and they join in a barrage of attacks. They continuously trade blows until Akuma finds an opening. He punches the Lightning Eclipse in his stomach so hard that it defuses, and Ken and Serif become two again. They quickly fall to the ground do to the radiation.

Serif: (injured and exhausted) No... How could we lose.

Serif and Ken's hair starts to fall out and their bodies become weak and skinny.

The end of Chapter 43

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