Chapter 24: Mission Complete

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Setting: Chaos Realm

Akuma: Oh mister Reaper, tell me what I have to do to get those souls.

Reaper: Let me out of this chamber and I will tell you.

Akuma: That's not an option.

Reaper: Well you're not getting my souls.

Akuma: Oh I will in do time*grins* Stone! Continue the torture.

Stone: Yes my lord.

Stone points his hand toward the Reaper and he starts to go through enormous pain.

Reaper: Ahhhh!, Stop! Ugah!

Akuma: Okay stop.

Stone stops the torture.

Akuma: You still refuse me the souls?

Reaper: *pant* *pant* *pant* *chuckles* you know when Megami finds out I'm done here... You're dead.

Akuma: In that case I should just kill you right now.

Reaper: Do as you must.

Akuma: Very well then, Stone bring out the hell hounds.

Stone: As you wish my lord.

Stone brings out the hell hounds.

Reaper: What the hell are those?

Akuma: (grins) You will soon find out.

Reaper: (thinking) I have to act fast, if I don't I will definitely die here.

Akuma: Any last words?

Reaper: Fine here's the key to the souls.

Akuma snatches the keys out of The Reaper hands.

Reaper: Now let me go.

Akuma: Sorry no can do.

Reaper: What!

Akuma: You better be lucky I spared your life. I will let you keep your job as a reaper when I take over The Realm of the Gods.

Reaper: Oh no what have I done?

Akuma: Thank you very much(grins) I couldn't have done it without you. Hahaha.

Meanwhile Shén's hideout...

Shén: It's almost midnight, have you come up with a plan?

Jin: Yes, now we just need you to teleport us there.

Shén: Very well then, grab my hand.

Jin and Okura grab Shén's hand and they teleport to East Region.

Shén: Well good luck children, I will be waiting for you in that restaurant *disappears away*

Jin: You ready?

Okura: Of course, let's just get it over with.

Jin and Okura head to the back of the building. They see two guards. Jin quickly takes them out.

Okura: Oh look who's being ruthless.

Jin: Shhh, we must not blow our cover.

Jin and Okura quietly sneak in the building. They go from shadow to shadow sneaking around. They finally get to the last floor, and Jin and Okura quickly take out the guards.

Jin: We're finally here.

Jin lifts up the glass case and takes out the book.

Okura: Okay you got the book, let's go.

Jin opens the book and starts reading it. He sees the power it holds in it,

Okura: Come on you idiot.

Jin: Oh I'm sorry, let's go.

Okura and Jin quickly sneak out the building, Jin hides the book in trench coat, and they head over to the restaurant where Shén is located.
Okura and Jin walk in the restaurant, they instantly see where Shén is sitting and heads over to him.

Shén: (finishing the last of his meal) Good job child, Let's go back home now.

Shén and the others teleports back home.

Okura: So what do you plan on doing with the book?

Shén: In do time you will see child.

Okura: Riddles as usual *rolls eyes*

In The Realm of the Gods...

Xinshi: *pant* *pant* Okay okay that's enough.

Mizu: You're done?...

Xinshi: Haha, I was only kidding, I am not tired.

Mizu: Are you sure?

Xinshi: Ahh yes I'm good.

Mizu: *chuckles* okay sensei

Xinshi: Now here comes the most important part of your training. Pay close attention.

Mizu: Yes!

Xinshi: There are 3 transformations Tubians have. The first one is a Divined Tubian, a Divined Tubian lets the Tubian controlling the power tap into his god power. There is only been one Tubian to do this, and he mastered the power and tried to take over the Earth Realm, he was soon killed, do to all the Tubians of that time banding together. To attain or only master this form with true enlightenment. Also you can't learn this form without being connected with the gods. The rest are unknown.

Mizu: Wow that's going to be pretty tough to do.

Xinshi: Just listen to me and you will learn them, well the first 1.

Mizu: Okay let's get started.

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