Chapter 31: Cousin Joseline Part 4

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As Commander Surry is watching television, breaking news pops up.

(On Television)News Reporter: Reporting live from St. John's Amusement Park, there has been a terrible disturbance today. As I was told from the Amusement Park's owner; a strange occurrence happened when the main control room exploded. Forming what some are calling a cyborg. There will be....

Commander Surry picks up his phone and calls the watchmen.

Commander Surry: This is Commander Surry, and I want to ask if Team Surry can take care of the disturbance in St. John's Amusement Park.

Ken(Watchmen Leader): Are you sure Surry?

Commander Surry: Yes, one of my subordinates are already there fighting the battle.

Ken: Hmmm I don't know

Commander Surry: Come on Ken, this will be a great way to test my team.

Ken: Okay okay, you can take it, but if you fail, this will be the last time I trust you with a mission.

Commander Surry: Don't worry, I won't fail.

Commander Surry ends the call and calls Desean.

Commander Surry: Desean! Have you seen the news?

Desean: Yeah, I'm on my way there right now.

Commander Surry: Alright, I will meet you there.

They end the call call.

Back on the battlefield...

Ebok: (thinking) Did I stop it?

Isis arrives on the battlefield.

Isis: Ebok!

Ebok: Huh? Oh Isis stay back this thing is powerful.

Isis: Okay and Commander Surry and Desean just told me they are on their way.

Ebok: Alright, go help everyone get to safety.

Isis: On it!

Ebok: I love you .

Isis: I love you more.

Isis starts gathering everyone and getting them to safety while Ebok continues to fight.

Cyborg Joseline rises from the rubble.

Ebok: This is going to be harder than I thought.

Cyborg Joseline sends two roller coasters at Ebok. One comes at his upper body, another at his legs. He dodges them by jumping in between them.

Ebok: Ha! That's too easy.

Ebok doesn't notice as Cyborg Joseline catches the cars with wires and throws them at his back.

Desean and Commander Surry arrive on the battlefield as Desean destroys the cars right before they hit Ebok.

Desean: Ebok, you should really watch your back.

Ebok: Desean, Commander. You're here.

Desean: Oh we know you need the help.

Ebok: Haha, you're acting like you can handle this thing by yourself.

Desean: Do I have to sho-

Commander Surry: Enough! We need to work together to stop this thing we need to come up with a plan.

Commander Surry gathers everyone around as they come up with a plan.

Isis returns to the battlefield.

Isis: So you guys finally made it.

Commander Surry: Ebok, bring us to the sky.

Ebok: Yes sir!

Ebok floats everyone in the air as they begin their plan.

Commander Surry: Follow my lead Isis.

Isis: Yes sir.

Commander Surry:Now feel the wrath of Team Surry!

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