Chapter 22: Mizu Defeated

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Mizu: What kind of energy is this?

Ebok: (grinning) come here, and I'll show.

Mizu: Very well.

Mizu jumps toward Ebok, he dashes on the side of him and tries to punch him, but Ebok blows him away with black wind from the swing of his arm. Ebok turns his head toward Mizu.

Ebok: (grinning evilly) Don't come to me with that weak ass shit.

Isis: (thinking) This isn't Ebok, that energy is starting to take over.

Mizu: (wiping his mouth) Where did that energy come from?

Ebok: (with an empty look on his face) Come on, I haven't had enough yet.

Desean: (thinking) That is definitely not Ebok.

Mizu runs at Ebok again this time he dashes to his back, Mizu then tries to punch him, but Ebok's aura seems to block his punch.

Mizu: (thinking) Huh?

Mizu throws more punches at Ebok, but they are blocked. Mizu jumps back

Ebok: My turn!

Ebok appears in front Mizu...

Desean: (In Awe) What speed.

Ebok punches Mizu in his ribs and breaks them, causing Mizu to cough blood. Ebok (grinning widely and evilly) then tosses Mizu in the air.

Ebok: Die! Devil's Eye Beam!

A red beam comes from Ebok's eye and shoots Mizu through his stomach, causing him to fall unconscious. Mizu falls from the sky and hits the ground hard.

Akuma:(in Ebok's mind) You're welcome, Hahahahahaha.

Ebok returns to his regular state.

Isis: Your power... it increased even tho you're out of that form, and I noticed while you're in that form your power keeps growing and multiplying.

Ebok: Wow, this power is more of a blessing than a curse. I need to seek out Akuma on how to control it.

Desean: Are you crazy? Do You know what you are saying?

Isis: Nope you're not doing that. I won't let you.

Ebok: Just trust me, this power is overwhelming and if I don't learn how to control then it could consume me.

Desean: Hmph, well I'm coming with you.

Isis: I don't know about this.

Ebok walks over to Isis and holds her close...

Ebok: Just trust me, okay?

Isis: Okay baby.

Meanwhile at Shén's hideout...

Shén: Okura! Jin!

Jin: Wassup?

Okura: What is it?

Shén: I need a very important book, named The Book of Manning.

Okura: The book of Manning?, What the hell is that?

Jin: It is a book that has been around for numerous of years, it has everything in it from fighting styles to rituals.

Shén: That is correct Jin, but what I need it for an experiment.

Jin: Experiment?

Shén: Yes child, I need to make a potion, a potion that can change my shape form.

Okura: Why do you need to do that?

Shén: Get the book and I will tell you child.

Okura: Okay where is the book?

Shén: It's in East Regiom.

Okura: Awww shit, okay when are we leaving.

Shén: Right now as a matter of fact, grab my hand.

Okura and Jin grab Shén hand and they teleport to East Region...

The end of Chapter 22

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