Chapter 11: Okura vs Team Surry

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Shén: Okura use 80% of your power, it will scare the hell hounds away.

Okura: Alright...

Okura powers up, almost completely changing his appearance, His hair gets longer his muscles expand ripping his shirt, his face gets a crazy look and his nails grow sharp along with teeth.

Okura: (demonic voice) Now then who wants to die?

The hell hounds whimper and go back to hell.

Shén: You've done it, now transform back.

Okura: (grins) (demonic voice) Haha. I won't, do feel you my power? Hahahaha, you better just stay back.

Jin: Hey kid if you think making yourself ugly is enough to beat me you're badly mistaken.

Okura: (demonic voice) Shut up let's fight

Okura moves so fast that it looks he disappeared, he appears in front of Jin and sends him flying with a head but, he runs after him giving him a barrage of punches, then throws him in the air.
He shoots him with an energy blast from his mouth and nearly kills him.

Okura: (demonic voice) Hahahaha you're so weak, but *arrg* I need more, more.

Okura powers up to his 100% beast form. He is now a full beast he stands at 12 feet tall and weighs 490 pounds,(all muscle).

Shén: Oh no, he's let his full power out.

Okura: (demonic voice) I'll just destroy this city for fun.

Okura run around eating and killing everyone he sees...

Over in South Region...

Commander Surry calls his team and tell them the emergency, they quickly get dressed and ready for the mission. They fly over to North Region in a jet where they find Okura tearing things apart.

Commander Surry: Stop this instant Okura.

Okura: (demonic voice) YES SOMEONE NEW TO FIGHT!

Isis: (shocked) His power level is a... 53.7

Ebok: What the? That's too strong.

Nashi: Wow, how can that even exist?

Ume: Impossible

Desean: If you guys are done being amazed by this freak I would like to defeat him now.

Okura: (demonic voice) Desean! You get to see true power now I especially want to kill you!!

Okura sends a huge energy blast from his mouth at the team. They jump, scattering apart. Okura catches Nashi and stabs him in the stomach with his nails...

Okura: (demonic voice) Remember this!

Nashi: (coughing up blood) He's *cough* he's to strong.

Okura stabs him deeper until Commander Surry comes to his rescue, kicking Okura in his face. The kick doesn't even faze him, but still makes him drop Nashi.

Jin: (coughing up blood) I*cough* mu... Must get out of here...

Jin tries to leave but Shén stops him.

Shén: There's no way im letting you leave.

Jin: Please, just let me leave

Shén: No! You've done enough, you will end here.

Okura: (demonic voice) how dare you interfere with my killing. But you can take his place.

Commander Surry: Just shut up you monster.

Desean: Let me show you my true power.

Desean powers up to his sun lightning.

Desean: Hmph, let's see if you can handle real strength.

Okura: (demonic voice) Hahahaha don't crack me up, is this your true power I'll kill you in an instant.

Desean sends a fiery lightning bolt at Okura, Okura takes it and slightly takes damage.

Okura: (demonic voice) Awwww that's cute, Hahahaha you're waaaaay to weak just roll over and die

Okura sends a mouth energy blast at Desean and Desean jumps up and dodges and he charges toward Okura and they start hand to hand combat with Okura slightly having the upper hand.

Ebok: We have to help Desean. Isis do that clone technique.

Isis: Right!

Isis does the clone technique...

Ebok: Now I will increase their mass to give us some help.

Isis: Okay, just increase everyone's mass that's on our side.

Ebok: Oh yeah, that is a great idea.

Ebok increases everyone's mass...

Commander Surry: The only way we can stop him. We hit him extremely hard in his stomach, where his circle is.

Ebok: So we have to get close to him?

Commander Surry: Yes

Ebok: Okay then let's attack together.

Ume: I'll use my camouflage.

Ume uses her camouflage and makes everyone invisible.

Jin: Wait! If I join you will you let me live?

Shén: No! If you betrayed Akuma then you will do the same to me.

Jin: I won't, the only reason I joined Akuma is because of my dad. Akuma wants to destroy everything. He was the God of destruction after all.

Shén: Hmm, I'll think about it.

Jin: Thank you.

Shén: But if you betray us, I will get Okura to kill you.

Jin: Okay I won't betray you.

Okura: (demonic voice) Where did you weakli-

Shén punches Okura in his stomach knocking him out and makes him turn back to his regular form.

Shén: We shall meet again.

Shén teleports back to his hideout with Okura and Jin.

End of Chapter 11

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