Chapter 45: Another plan

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Akuma charges at Desean he tries hit him, but he jumps back, so does Commander Surry and Catherine. Akuma misses and punches the ground, causing a cloud of smoke to appear.

Akuma: Haha, you can't run from me!

Akuma rushes toward Commander Surry and sends him flying with a punch to the face. He then dashes toward Catherine and sends her flying with a kick to the face.

Desean: Hey your fights with me!

Desean bursts toward Akuma and they collide. They exchange explosive blows causing the ground below them to rise. As they continue to fight Akuma starts to get the upper hand.

Akuma: What's wrong? You aren't so fast now.

After Akuma says this he punches Desean in the face. He follows it with a knee to the stomach and ends it with an elbow to the back causing Desean to fall to the ground. Commander Surry and Catherine get back up. Once they are up, they charge aggressively towards Akuma. He sees them and puts his guard up. They try to attack, but Akuma blocks and avoids them without even looking. Akuma catches both of their punches by grabbing their forearms. After he does this, he tosses both of them in the air. He teleports behind them and elbows them to the ground. He points his arm at them to make a black hole, but Desean stops him, by kicking him into the ground.

Desean: Stay down!

Desean starts throwing multiple Lightning bolts at Akuma, lighting up the ground around him. Causing dust and Lightning to appear, but it does nothing. Akuma explodes out of the debris of rocks and dust. He charges at Desean and teleports above him. Before Desean can look up, he hits him with at roundhouse kick to the forehead causing Desean to fall instantly to the ground.

Catherine: Wow this guy is tough.

Commander Surry: What is his power level?

Catherine: I can't sense it its past the power scale... It's over 100!

Commander Surry: (shocked) Over 100?

Catherine: Yes, I believe it is somewhere in the range of 130 and 190.

Commander Surry: (astonished) That's unbelievable.

Catherine: If you think that's unbelievable, Desean's is above 100 also, but it is nowhere near Akuma's.

Commander Surry: Well we can't make any mistakes if we want to win, and I just might have a plan.

Catherine: Fill me in.


Desean gets back up.

Desean: You're going to need more than that if you think I'm going to stay down.

Akuma: Ha, don't lie like that. You're struggling just to stand, three more combos like that and you're dead.

Desean: We'll just have to find out.

Desean charges at Akuma. He tries to attack, but Akuma blocks it. Desean tries to keep attacking, but he just can't hit Akuma.

Akuma: *blocking punches* You choose to keep attacking, even though your energy is continuously going down. You have a better chance of living in the sun than beating me.

Desean: *attacking* Shut up!

Akuma teleports behind Desean and puts him in a choke hold.

Akuma: *choking Desean* Stop resisting. Just give up

Desean gasps for air. He tries to loosen Akuma's grip, but it is too strong. He tries to elbow and kick Akuma, but he is too weak. The attacks do little to nothing. Just as Desean is about to pass out, Akuma gets a knee to the head from Commander Surry, which causes Akuma to drop Desean. Desean falls to the ground barely able to catch his breath. Akuma quickly recovers from Commander Surry's knee.

Akuma: You pesky weakling. I'll make sure you never use that knee again.

Akuma grabs Commander Surry's knee and breaks it by elbowing it with all of his might.

Commander Surry screams at the pain

Commander Surry: Ahhhhhh!

Commander Surry Surry falls to the ground. Akuma follows by dropping his elbow on Commander Surry's stomach, causing him to cough up blood. Commander Surry then grabs Akuma's arms with an amazing grip.

Catherine: He fell for it. Commander Surry now!

Commander Surry comes from out of nowhere, showing that the one on the ground, was just an image. Commander Surry throws a poisonous grenade at Akuma. Akuma tries to move, but the image holds him down causing the grenade to hit them both. It explodes, and Commander Surry and and Catherine grab Desean and get away from the explosion. The grenade causes a giant purple cloud of smoke to form.

Commander Surry: Isis, give everyone the medicine, it's the only antidote to the poison.

Isis: Got it.

Isis pulls out the medicine and gives it to everyone. They take it.
As the smoke clears Akuma is standing unfazed by the poison and grenade.

Commander Surry: (shocked) No way.

Akuma: I can't believe you honestly thought a grenade and poison would take out a god. *shakes his head* Simple earthlings. It's about time I end this.

???: That's my line.

Akuma: Hm?

Akuma turns around and sees Ebok and Mizu standing before him.

The end of Chapter 45

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