Chapter 26: Everyone is here

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Setting: Chaos Realm

Akuma: Stone!

Stone: Yes my lord?

Akuma: I need to talk to my brother, and I need you to watch the realm.

Stone: Yes my lord it is an easy test *bows*

Akuma opens a portal and goes to the Earth Realm.

Setting: Earth Realm

Jin: Oh no, is... Is this Akuma?

Shén: Did you say Akuma?

Jin: Yes, I know that power from anywhere.

Okura: Akuma? You mean the God of Destruction?

Shén: Yes it seems he is here, but what business does he have with the Earth Realm?

Jin: I don't know, and I really don't want to find out.

At South High...

Isis: Everyone stop, an evil power has appeared.

Desean and Ebok stop attacking Commander Surry.

Ebok: An evil power?

Isis: Yes it is god like power.

Commander Surry: I have a bad feeling about this.

Ebok: (serious) I know who it is... Isis can you tell me where this power is located.

Isis: Yes it's in our Region but heading towards the outskirts.

Commander Surry: Why do you want to know? I can't let one of my subordinates go to a power like this.

Ebok: Don't worry commander I won't fight him I just want talk to him.

Desean: So the power level is Akuma?

Ebok: How did you know?

Desean: Hmph, why else would you go to talk to a god like power.

Ebok: Good eye Desean.

Isis: Are you sure about this? I thought you said you would leave this Akuma freak alone.

Ebok: I'm sorry baby, but I must talk to him about this power.

Isis: Well I'm behind you 100%

Ebok: Thank you baby *smiles*... Well Commander, will you come with me.

Commander Surry: *sigh* Okay, but this is a one time thing, and I don't want you doing anything reckless.

Ebok: Yes sir, that is understood.

Commander Surry: Okay well off we go.

Shén's hideout...

Akuma: Long time no see... Brother

Okura: (thinking) Brother?

Shén: What's your business here Akuma?

Akuma: Oh Shén, I know that you have the Book of Manning.

Shén: Yes, but you still haven't told me your business here.

Akuma: Well you know Serif and his men will come looking for it.

Shén: Don't you think I already know that.

Akuma: Since you already know that, I think it would be best if I hold on to it.

Shén: Absolutely not!

Akuma: I know why you want the book. You want to return to your throne and rule like a king, but guess what, it's not going to happen. You were banished just like me, you think they will welcome you back with open arms? I'm telling you if you join me we can take over the Realm of the Gods ourselves.

Shén: That does sound intriguing, but I have the Book of Manning. What do you have?

Akuma: Why I have all the souls from the Realm of the Dead.

Shén: What impossible.

Akuma: Oh yes it's possible-

Ebok: (interrupting) It's possible because of me.

Akuma: Oh if it isn't Ebok.

Okura: Oh look team weakling is here.

Desean: Hmph I'd like to see you prove that.

Okura: (grins) gladly.

Okura starts powering up...

Shén: No we will not fight today, maybe another time.

Okura: Let me destroy him. I promise it won't take long.

Shén: No we can't fight here without reason.

Okura: Ergh! Whatever... *powers down*

Ebok: Akuma! Why did you make me kidnap the Reaper and also how do I control this power.

Akuma: That is for you to find out.

Ebok: (frustrated) Why won't you tell me?!

Akuma: You already know...

Ebok: So you want to play games.

Akuma: I don't play games kid.

Ebok: Just shutup

Ebok charges at Akuma...

End of Chapter 26

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