Chapter 27: A Regular Day

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Ebok charges at Akuma, but Commander Surry stops him.

Commander Surry: We are not here to fight, you said you just wanted to talk.

Ebok: I know, I'll control myself I'm sorry Commander.

Akuma: If the boy wants to die, let him fight.

Shén: We mustn't deal with non factors. We have more important business to take care of.

Akuma: So do you want to join me?

Shén: Yes, but on one condition.

Akuma: And what is that?

Shén: Don't cross me.

Akuma: (grins) You have my word brother.

Shén: Alright let's go.

Akuma opens a portal to the Chaos Realm.

Akuma: After you...

Shén: Okura, Jin come with me.

They go through the portal and leave, team Surry leaves and heads back to South High.

Commander Surry: Ebok?

Eboka: Yes?

Commander Surry: Are you okay?

Ebok: Yeah I'm fine, I'm just going to figure it out my self.

Commander Surry: Alright then, well shall we continue with our spiritual training.

Ebok: Yes!

Team Surry trains for the remainder of the day, and shows a lot of progress and development.

Commander Surry: Good job everyone. Now go home and get a good rest, I have a surprise for you tomorrow.

Team Surry departs and head home. They prepare for tomorrow.

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