Chapter 35: A Monk?

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Ebok comes to school the next day looking for his trainer. He burst through the door of the class to see a bald headed man who seemed to be a monk. He had a long gray beard that connected with his eyebrows. He wore a dragon shield on his shoulder and he carried a staff.

Commander Surry: Speaking of the devil. Ebok meet Roth.

Ebok: Roth?

Commander Surry: Yes, he's from China, and he's a monk.

Ebok: ( thinking) Wow this guy is like 1,000 years old.

Commander Surry: And also he's going to be your trainer.

Ebok: (thinking) Aw man, why out of all people I get the old geezer?

Commander Surry: Well is there any test you want to make him take before you guys head off?

Roth: No need to.

Commander Surry: Alright then. Well here are your passports. Remember you to come back 2 weeks from now.

Roth: Yes I understand.

Commander Surry: Okay well see you when you get back.

Roth: Yes. We are leaving now. Come... What's your name?

Ebok: (annoyed) it's Ebok.

Roth: Yes. Ebok let's go.

Ebok follows Roth out the door and they head to the airport.

Meanwhile in the Chaos Realm.

Okura: (angrily) This is boring! What are we supposed to do sit around and stare at souls all day. I need to get stronger, and by doing this I am not.

Akuma: So you want strength? I can give you strength. You just have to do one thing for me.

Okura: What is that?

Akuma: Does Jin mean anything to you.

Okura: No. I barely know the guy

Akuma: So do you mind destroying him for me?

Okura: So if I destroy this clown, how will you give me strength?

Akuma: By bringing the out the rage that is inside of you. See Shén wants to keep it hidden, I want to let it lose.

Okura: Alright then. You have a deal.

Akuma: From what I am sensing he is has been traveling back and forth from here to the Earth Realm, and I think he might be working with the watchmen.

Okura: Okay I'm on it. He'll be dead in less than 24 hours.

Akuma: Very well.

Okura: Wait, what about Shén?

Akuma: Haha, let me deal with him. *grins*

Stone: My Lord, how are you going to to take care of Shén?

Akuma: By destroying him. All I need is that book of his, but he seems to be keeping it in a well guarded place.

Stone: Do you want me to find out my lord?

Akuma: Don't worry, I've already sent someone.

Back in The Earth Realm...

Catherine and Isis arrive at a building that says "Women's Fighting Camp"

Isis: What place is this?

Catherine: It's fighting a camp strictly for women. It's run by yours truly.

Isis: This is your place?

Catherine: Yes. *nods* built it from the ground up.

Isis: (Walking around the building) Wow I can't believe you did all of this yourself.

Catherine: Well you know what they say, you can do anything once you put your mind to it.

Isis: (Still examining the building) I see.

Catherine: Well let's go inside now and let you meet the other members.

Isis follows Catherine inside. As Catherine walks inside all the women stop what they are doing and stand at attention. Catherine calls out for her assistant; who turns out to be Ume. Ume walks up to Catherine and notices Isis.

Ume: (surprised) Isis?

Isis: (surprised) Ume?

Ume: What are you doing here?

Isis: I was about to ask you the same thing.

Catherine: It seems you ladies know each other.

Isis: Yeah, we were actually on the team.

Catherine: So what happened? You were kicked out?

Ume: I uh... *puts her head down* quit.

Catherine: (hollering) Quit? My students never quit! What do I teach you here?

Ume: To never quit, even when the odds are stacked against you.

Catherine: (hollering) And you're my assistant. You should have that engraved in your brain.

Ume: Yes ma'am. I promise it won't happen again. *bringa her head up*

Catherine: It better not. Are you will be quickly replaced.

Ume: Yes ma'am!

Ume walks off to the back.

Catherine: And why did the rest of you stop? Get back to work!

The other girls get back to work.

Isis: Why are you so hard on everyone?

Catherine: You have to be. A lot of girls in here have an amazing amount of potential, and if I'm too soft they let it slip away. And don't think just because you're under Surry I won't be tough on you. I spare no one.

Isis: Haha I don't mind I actually want that. I want to be as strong as I can be.

Catherine: Well then it will be fun training you.

Catherine shows Isis around and they began they're training. After about an hour of going over fundamentals they prepare for a mission.

Catherine: Well now I'm going to test your brains. We're going on a mission in the East Region.

Isis: What is the mission?

Catherine: I'll tell you when we get there.

The End of Chapter 35

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