Chapter 7: Okura's power

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Setting Isis' house

Isis wakes up...

Isis: *Yawn* (Thinking) I'm so tired.
I could barely sleep last night, I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Isis gets out of bed and takes a shower, brushes her teeth and puts on her clothes, and goes downstairs... She eats breakfast and is about to start walking when she sees Ebok outside waiting for her...

Isis: (Blushing) So I'm not walking to school alone anymore.

Ebok: *chuckles* Nope, we're flying to school.

Isis: *giggles* okay (smiles)

Isis jumps on Ebok's back and they fly to school...
They get to school and walk to Commander Surry's class.

Commander Surry: It's about time. Now everyone is here, let's go to the training grounds.

The class follows Commander Surry to training grounds.
They put on their uniforms and prepare for instruction...

Commander Surry: Today we will focus on your abilities and strengthening them... We will warm by running 100 laps around the field.

The team starts running...

Ebok and Isis run side by side and start to have conversation...

Ebok: Yesterday was mind blowing.

Isis: (smiling) Who are you tellinggggg? I'm so glad I lost my virginity to you *giggles*

Ebok: And vise versa, you are the most amazing person I've ever met in my life.

Isis: (blushing) Wow you make me feel so good inside Ebok.

Ebok: I try to(smiling)

Isis: You don't even have to try (smiling)

Over at Shén's hideout...

Shén: You have to learn how to control your beast that's the only way you can get stronger.

Okura: I'm trying to.. (Grunts) its just so much power.

Shén: Hmmm, let me try something.

Shén swiftly moves in front of Okura, he opens his hand and puts all 5 fingers on Okura's stomach. Okura tries to move Shén's hand but the force is to powerful. Shén thens jumps back to wear he was standing. A ring thens appears around Okura's stomach.

Okura: (breathing heavily) What the hell did you just do to me?!

Shén: I made your power to where you can tap into chunks without bringing out the full beast. The ring around your stomach shows how much you decide to tap in. For example if you tap into let's say 30% of the power, thirty percent of that ring will glow up.

Okura: Well that seems very useful... Thank you.

Shén: No problem child

Okura: Now show me how to use some of it.

Shén: You have to get angry let your rage boil, and channel it into your power.

Okura: Okay I can do that...

Okura starts imagining how Serif killed his dad how the marines killed his family.
Okura starts to transform, his teeth and his nails gets sharper, his hair gets wilder, and his muscles get slightly bigger. The transformation stops.

Okura: Alright! This is the power that was hidden inside me (grins) Awesome.

Shén: It seems right now you're using 34% of your power.

Okura: If this is only 34% im a little nervous on what 100% will do. (Grins)

Shén: Now come at me I want to see how strong you are for myself.

Okura: (grinning) are you sure about that?

Shén: I'll just show you.., let's go outside.

They head outside and face each other.
Okura rushes at Shén and tries to grab him. Shén disappears and reappears behind Okura and kicks him in the head. Okura slides to the direction he was kicked in. Okura sinks his nails in the ground catching himself. Okura let's out an energy blast from his mouth. This surprises Shén, Shén jumps up in the air to dodge it. Okura starts running toward him. Shén see him running towards him. Shén disappears in front of him and elbows him in the nose. Shén then releases a barrage of punches and kicks and sends Okura flying. Okura looks and sees Shén flying towards him. Okura blasts an enery ball from his mouth. Shén teleports and dodges. Okura shoots another one. Shén teleports and dodges again. Okura notices his teleportation pattern and counters he blasts two energy blasts one to make him dodge and the other to hit him where he appears. Shén dodges the first one and is met by the second one right to the face. Shén starts to fall, but recovers quickly. Before he can even get on guard, Okura rushes him with his shoulder sending him to the ground. Causing dust to appear. When the dusts is clear Okura notices Shén is gone. Shén then appears behind Okura...

Shén: Well that was a good fight

Okura: Hmph, yeah it would've been better if you weren't holding back

Shén: Ahhhh so you could tell.

Okura: Of course, you're a god for crying out loud.

Shén: well I'm glad you could tell

Back at South High's training grounds.

Commander Surry: That's enough of running. Now the real training begins. I'll will spilt myself into 3 people.

Isis: How are you going to do that?

Commander Surry: Im glad you asked. See this technique is called the Image Multiplier. To do this technique you have you concentrate your spiritual energy. After you do that you image your self into 3 and you should spilt up. But that lesson is for another day. Right now we learn how to increase your current abilities.

Isis: (thinking) Hmmmm so concentrate your spiritual energy and image yourself into the 3 people.

QUICK FACT: All Tubians have special abilities, they all have one of the three: Spiritual energy- Spiritual energy is given to those with a good heart, a regular human can possibly use this, but not to its full extent, Black Energy- Black Energy is usually given to those with impure hearts and thoughts, Demons also use this energy. , and Cosmic Energy- Cosmic Energy is used by gods and goddesses, A Tubian can use this when they reached true enlightenment. Back to the story...

Isis starts to concentrate her energy and then does the technique.

Isis: Image Multiplier!
2 images appear beside Isis looking just like her.

Everyone looks at what Isis just did, and is amazed.

Ebok: Wow!, How did you just do that?

Isis: Simple I just listened to what Commander Surry said.

Commander Surry: Well done Isis fantastic job.

Isis: (Nodding) Thank you

Commander Surry also does the technique and starts to train in sections

Commander Surry: I will train Desean and my images will train you others together.

Nashi: What makes Desean so special

Commander Surry: Nothing I just chose this at random.

Nashi: Mhm

Commander Surry: Now let's go

End of Chapter 7

BloodCryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora