Chapter 44: The Lightning of Rage

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Akuma: Well you've come to the end of the line. Hahahahaha. Now die!

Akuma opens his hand and points his arm towards Ken and Serif. He creates a small black hole and throws it at them. When the black hole connects they are quickly sucked in and ripped into a million pieces. Desean wakes up and sees this.

Desean: *struggling to his feet* Father? Ken?

Tears start to run down Desean's face.

Desean: (crying) You killed my father *sniff* how dare you! HOW DARE YOUUUUU!

As Desean rages a red Lightning starts to appear around him. It is aggressive and is exploding around him. His eyes become red and so does his hair. He has awakened the Lightning of Rage.

Desean: (crying) YOU WILL PAY!

Desean bursts toward Akuma. He moves so fast and aggressively that the path behind him is completely destroyed. Akuma tries to hit him, but he is too fast. Desean quickly maneuvers behind Akuma and punches him. Akuma tries to turn around, but Desean is still too fast. He moves on Akuma's side and lands a direct hit to his face that makes him stubble.

Desean: You-

Desean kicks Akuma in the chin.

Desean: Will-

Desean punches Akuma in the face

Desean: Die!

Desean unleashes an explosive combination of kicks and punches on Akuma. He finishes the combination with a red Lightning bolt to the stomach that sends Akuma sliding through the dirt. Akuma wipes his mouth and stand up.

Akuma: Okay you wanna play. 75%!

As Akuma opens up 75% of his power, Commander Surry, Catherine, Isis, and Ume arrive to the battlefield. As they arrive Desean completely ignores them and continues to focus on Akuma.

Commander Surry: Catherine, come on we need to help Desean. Isis, Ume stay here and make sure you don't lose that medicine.

Isis and Ume: Yes sir!

Commander Surry and Catherine arrive at Desean's side.

Catherine: Where is Serif and Ken? I could've sworn I sensed their power here.

Desean: Their dead...

Commander Surry: What?

Catherine: Dead?

Desean: Yes. He killed them

Desean points at Akuma.

Catherine: Dammit, if he killed them what chance do we have?

Desean: Don't worry, just back me up and we will be fine.


As Ebok is on his way to the fight he catches up with Mizu.

Ebok: Mizu?

Mizu turns around and stops.

Mizu: Ebok? So you caught up to me.

Ebok: Yeah my speed is unmatchable now.

Mizu: Well we will just have to put that to the test, but no time to waste we have to get to the battlefield.

Ebok: Right!

Ebok and Mizu start back on their way to the battlefield.

Meanwhile on the battlefield...

Akuma: Let's see how you handle 75% haaaaaa

Akuma charges at Desean....

The end of Chapter 44

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