Chapter 12: Ebok's Struggle

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Setting: Chaos Realm

Stone: It seems Jin has betrayed us Lord Akuma.

Akuma: Oh well fuck em. Those demon high breeds don't know what they want.

Stone: Do you want me to kill him my lord?

Akuma: No we don't need to waste time on him let's continue with our main goal, and that's taking over the Realm of the gods.

Stone: Yes my lord, just a few more souls.

A demon name Lou runs to Akuma's throne.

Lou: Lord Akuma! A hu-

Akuma kills him by blasting him through his eye.

Akuma: *sighs* Stone go destroy the human that has got here.

Stone: Yes my lord.

Over at Commander Surry's house.

Commander Surry: You guys did good out there, but we need to get stronger and develop more strategies when battling. Desean, I loved how you did you truly impressed me.

Desean: Hmph

Ebok: (thinking) Wow Desean has been getting stronger and stronger by the day, he makes me look like I'm standing still, even Isis had been stronger. I have to work harder and become stronger.

Commander Surry: Well do you guys want to go home? Or you can stay the night here.

Ebok: Isis, let's go home.

Isis: Okay

Ebok and Isis go home, and so does everyone else. Nashi heads to a hospital and recovers.

Ebok: Isis?

Isis: Yes?

Ebok: Have I got stronger?

Isis: Why baby?

Ebok: Cuz I feel like I haven't been getting stronger, Desean has totally blew past me.

Isis: Well we have gotten a little lazy, we just need to train more that's all.

Ebok: Okay so tomorrow after school lets have our own session of training.

Isis: Okay that's a bet,

Ebok: Well it looks like we're here.

Isis: Yes well, I love you so much baby

Ebok: I love you so much more baby

Ebok and Isis kiss and part ways.

The next day at school...

Commander Surry: Alright everyone listen up. The Region's Tournament will begin in 1 month, I'm pretty sure you know about this. North, East, West and South region are participating. There are 3 parts to this Tournament. The first part is the qualification part, every team has to take this part. Each will be given a powerful robot that they have to work together and destroy. The second part is the battle between the region teams, the teams that are left will battle the teams left in their region, and the final part the of the tournament is every man for his self.

Desean: Hmph sounds interesting

Ebok: (thinking) Yes this will be the perfect test for me, I can finally see how strong I am.

Commander Surry: Well everyone I would like to train now so let's go.

Over in Shén's hideout...

Shén: So you're on our side now, tell me Akuma's plan.

Jin: I already told you he wants to take over the Realm of the gods.

Shén: But he has his own realm, why would he want to take over that realm?

Jin: Because that is where all the power lies, see he can't make the world how he wants it through the Choas Realm so he's going to take it over through the realm of the gods, if he can get enough souls and become stronger then he can take it over.

Shén: Hmm, he really seeks power but the only person that can stop him is Okura. He might not be strong enough right now but with the right development and training I believe he can do it.

Jin: Okay so we're training him.

Shén: Yes and I also want him to enter the Regions Tournament.

Jin: But you need two or more people to have a team to enter.

Shén: I know that's why you're entering as well

Jin: Well I could use it, I have slacking with my fighting lately so this should be a good boost.

Shén; Well then, we will start training as soon Okura wakes up.

Over at South High...

Commander Surry: Again!

Ebok: (panting) *nods head* Right!

Desean: He can't fight with me, Nashi needs to come back soon because this isn't going anywhere.

Ebok: I'll show you! Mass Times 100!!

Ebok charges at Desean, but Desean repels him with his lightning. Ebok isn't finished he comes right back at Desean, but Desean repels him again.

Desean: Oh my gosh, if anything you've gotten weaker. Hmph, I can't train with you anymore.

Ebok: (shocked) I... I have to go

Ebok speeds home...

End of Chapter 12

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