Chapter 29: Cousin Joseline Part 2

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Setting: Head Captain's House

Tavior(Serif's assistant): Sir! The Book of Manning has been stolen.

Serif: What?! Do we have any suspects?

Tavior: Not yet sir. We are investigating it.

Serif: Hmmm. This is a serious crime... I will take over the investigation.

Tavior: Sir...

Serif: I will head over to the museum now. Bring me two of the best detectives.

Tavior: Yes sir!


Isis: (Arriving at Ebok's house) Don't do anything stupid, just stay outside if you think you can't control yourself.

Joseline: Okay Isis, cam down.

Isis and Joseline walk inside. They are greeted by Ebok's mom.

Charlotte: Hello Isis... And you are?

Isis: She's my cousin mom, her name is Joseline.

Charlotte: Well hello Joseline. *reaches out her hand*

Joseline: Howdy partner. *spits on her hand*

Isis: *Facepalm*

Joseline tries shake Charlotte's hand, but Charlotte moves it quickly. She walks over to the sink and grabs the hand sanitizer and shoots it at Joseline's hand.

Joseline: *jumps back* What's the heck are ya doin?

Charlotte: You don't spit on your hand and try to shake mines.

Joseline: You mus don't ha-

Isis: (Over talking Joseline) HAS anyone seen Ebok?

Charlotte: Oh him and Tez are in the back.

Isis: Okay, thank you... Come on Joseline.

Isis and Joseline head to the backyard. They open the backdoor to see Ebok and Tez fighting.
Ebok and Tez stop fighting, and Ebok walks over to hugs her.

Ebok: (holding Isis) What have you been doing?

Isis: (blushing) Oh nothing thinking about you.

Ebok: (smiling) Oh really?

Isis: (blushing) Of course baby *kisses Ebok*

Tez: Ewwwww stop please.

Joseline: Awwwwe Look at my cuzin.

Ebok and Isis stop kissing and go inside, Tez and Joseline follows. Everyone sits around and watches T.V. until Tez suggests an idea.

Tez: Hey do you guys want to go to the amusement park?

Joseline: (boisterously) THE AMUSEMENT PARK? I would love to go to the amusement park.

Isis: Ehhhh i don't know.

Ebok: Oh come on baby it will be fun.

Isis: *sigh* Okay baby I'll go.

Tez: Awesome! I'll go get ready.

Ebok: Yeah, I'll go put on some clothes too.

Ebok and Tez goes upstairs and finds some appropriate clothes to wear. After 10 min they come back downstairs and get ready to head to the amusement park.
As they walk outside...

Joseline: Hey? How we gone get there?

Ebok: Let me handle that.

Everyone starts to float and they begin their trip to the amusement park.

The end of Chapter 29

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