Chapter 4: A True Bond

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Setting: Isis' house(backyard)

Ebok: (Stretching) Well how should we begin?

Isis: How about a sparring match?

Ebok: (laughing) a sparring match?. You really think you can hang?

Isis: it's not about hanging it's about getting better.

Ebok: *chuckles* okay well let's go

Meanwhile in South High...

Dr.Mary: Well it seems like you're all healed up

Okura: *Walking out of the healing pod* I can't believe I looked so stupid (angry) I am Okura, I am better than...

Dr. Mary: You could at least say thank you kid.

Okura: What? (Grunts) Thank you (rolling his eyes)

Dr. Mary: You're welcome kid,

Okura: Yeah whatever.

Okura then runs home

QUICK FACT: Okura is an orphan. His family was killed by the U.S. Military because of their ability to unlock their inner beast leaving him as the lone survivor. The president feared their power because he thought they would lose control and let the power take over. He grew up in a an orphanage, where he was never adopted. He soon ran away and started to live on his own, and turned out like this. Back to the story...

Okura: *While running home* (Thinking) I must get stronger, I can't be a weakling, I was completely embarrassed I will never let that happen again.

???: Child

Okura: What the?, did someone just say something?

???: Yes it was I

Okura: Where are you?, Show yourself.

Appearing in front of him an old man dressed old fashioned, in a long black cape wearing a dark red mask with velvet pants and velvet shoes. The old man introduces himself.

???: Do you not know who I am?

Okura: (looking confused) No. Tell me who you are?

???: Why I am the omega, the most powerful being to ever come into existence.

Okura: (Frustrated) Cut the crap, and stop speaking in riddles who are you?

???: You humans don't have respect for gods

Okura: (mockingly) Don't make me laugh you're no where near a god.

???: (laughing) I would gladly prove it.

Okura: Hmph, you can try.

???: Well your name is Okura, your family is dead and you live on your own.

Okura: You fucking stalker. I'll beat your ass right here.

???: *shakes head* Fool

Okura tries to kick the old man, but his kick is somehow blocked...

Okura: (shocked) It's like he has an invisible force field around him.

???: Let me show you my power.

The old man puts Okura in an illusion and reveals himself as Shén.
After seeing the illusion he now knows who the Old man is.
(The illusion ends)

Okura: But that was 500 years ago how are you still alive?

Shén: Gods are immortal, we can only die by another god's hand.

Okura; Why haven't you come out of hiding? Why don't you let the world know you exist? And why don't you return to your throne in the Realm of the Gods?

Shén: I need a young vessel.

Okura: What do you mean?

Shén: I need a young body, this body is too old and fragile to do anything.

Okura: Why don't you just take one. You have the power to do so.

Shén: It's complicated, I can't just take someone's body child, they have to be willing and give it to me.

Okura: So what's your plan?

Shén: You're going to give me yours.

Okura: You're obviously crazy. I'm not giving you my body

Shén: Well how about you become my pupil? Everyone doesn't get the chance to get trained by a god. And I also know that Commander Surry isn't going to choose you for his final 5.

Okura: (grunts) Well I'm not waiting till next year to get my warrior license. So I guess I'll go under your wing

Shén: Hmmmm Okay we'll meet me here tomorrow.

Okura: What time?

Shén disappears before answering Okura...

Okura: Well if he is serious I will surpass Desean and Ebok in the speed of light.

Okura starts back walking home...

Over where Desean lives...

Serif: Well since we're done with the warmup it's about time I teach you some new techniques.

Desean: (panting) *falling to one knee* (thinking) I didn't know dad was this strong I gave it my all and he's not even bruised.

Servant Tom: Head Captain, there has been a disturbance in the northern city.

Serif: What?

Servant Tom: I'm sorry if I disrupted anything.

Serif: (sighs) I'm sorry son, but I have to go

Desean: It's fine I'm used to it

Serif is unable to find any words as he walks off to his duty...

Desean goes up to his room and meditates.

Over at Isis' house...

Isis: I finally won (happy)

Ebok: (smirking) Yeah you got me.

Isis: I told you I would win

Ebok: You got lucky

Isis: Whatever

Ebok: Well it's almost dark and I have to head home.

Isis: Yeah and I have to get ready for bed

Ebok comes closer to Isis... They look each other eye to eye. They slowly start leaning toward each other. Ebok pokes out his lips and Isis pokes out hers. Their lips connect. Isis quickly snatches her head back

Isis: I guess I'll be going inside now.

Ebok: I guess I'll be going home now.

They say their goodbyes and part their separate ways. They go home and prepare for tomorrow.

End of Chapter 4

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