Chapter 6: The Truth

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Setting: Shén's hideout

Okura is still meditating, but during meditation, he sees a flashback of when his family was slaughtered

(Flashback) Setting: Head Captain's Office.

President of the U.S.: The Guàiwùs are getting stronger and starting to evolve, if we don't act now they will realize their power.

Serif: I completely agree, they must be stopped.

President: They threaten my presidency and they threaten your throne. They must be killed

Serif: There has to be a way to stop them without killing them

President: There is no other way. If there is please tell me

Serif is silent...

President: That's what I thought. We must kill them tonight.

Serif: Okay we will do it tonight. Have your marines ready.

Later on that night...

*Boom* Okura's door gets kicked down...

Serif: Men! Destroy everyone you see

Okura's family is shocked and scared...

Okura's mom grabs Okura and wraps him in her arms...

Okura's uncle changes to his beast form...

Okura's dad: No brother let me fight this battle, I am the strongest, let me hold em off while you guys escape.

Okura's uncle changes back to his normal form and helps everyone get ready to run

Okura's dad: (Changing to his beast form) I WONT LET DESTROY MY FAMILY, *roars*

Okura's dad catches his first victim. He bites him in his neck tearing out his throat. He moves to his next victim and with one slash he rips him in half. The third victim tries to run but, Okura's dad is too fast, he catches him smashes his face in the floor.

Serif watches as his men are brutally killed.

Okura's dad: Everyone run I'll kill this man where he stands

Okura's grandma, aunt, uncle, cousins and mom runs through the back door... They are met by the U.S. Marines. The marines all fire at the same time over 300 bullets run through each family member's body. Okura's mom covers Okura trying to protect him from any bullets. She soon dies and the marines roll her over to find a 3 year old boy...
Back inside the house.

Okura's dad hears the gunshots..

Okura's dad: NOOOO *roars*

Okura's dad tries to run toward his family.

Serif: Sit down you monster!

Serif sends a lighting rod through his neck... And Okura's dad instantly dies.

The marines walk inside with the boy..

Marine 1: What do you want to do to with him sir?

Serif: Leave him. One monster can't do anything.

They now leave as fast as they can.

Okura comes out of his Meditation with tears running down his face.

Okura: (sniffles) S-so... the Head Captain destroyed my family? (Sniffles again) He'll pay, on my life I will bring him to his knees and rip his brain right from his skull.

Shén: So I guess you've seen the truth behind the Guàiwù slaughter.

Okura: Train me to surpass the Head Captain, and I will give you my body as a vessel.

Shén: Hmmmm I like this deal... Okay okay I agree with it.

Okura: Thank you

Shén: Nooo thank you (sounding slick and evil)

Back at Ebok's house...

Ebok: (waking up) that was pretty amazing.

Isis: (yawning) I feel like a new woman *giggles*

Ebok: And I feel like a new man

Isis: Well it's almost dark and I don't want my parents worried.

Ebok: Okay I'll fly you home

They put their clothes on and head out

Ebok is now flying isis home.
After 5 minutes of silence...

Isis:(half way sleep) I know is only been 3 days, but I think I love you *kisses Ebok on the cheek*

Ebok: (Blushing) I love you more

They soon get Isis' house and say their goodbyes...

Ebok flies down and drops Isis off.
They stare into each eyes. Ebok comes closer to her and grabs her waist. He leans forward and kisses her, slowly sliding his tongue in her mouth they tongue kiss for about a minute and part their ways...

Ebok: Goodbye *waves*

Isis: Byeeee*waving back*

Ebok flies back home

Over where Desean lives...

Desean: (powering up) (thinking) if He won't teach me I'll do it myself, I don't him.

Desean: Haa

Desean sends out an incredible lightning bolt at a tree and turns it to ash.

Desean: *panting* (Thinking) I'm getting stronger and stronger by the day. I will soon surpass him.

Desean's mom: It's getting dark can you come inside now?

Desean: (Panting) no... I... I must get stronger, if I'm going to be Head Captain I need to get stronger.

Desean powers up and unlocks his yellow lighting

Desean's mom: What the?, that's the aura of the Sun lightning

Desean faints do to the overflow of power.

Desean's mom: Oh my! Son!

She runs to Desean and takes him inside.

Desean's mom: (rubbing Desean's hair) You really are trying to surpass your father huh?

Desean: Mom?

Desean's mom: Yes sweetheart?

Desean: Why doesn't dad make time for me?

Desean's mom: Well when you're the The Head Captain of an entire region, you barely have any free time. Trust me baby if he could he would, but he is just to busy.

Desean: I understand mom

Desean's mom: Well I know Commander Surry won't like if you're to tired for class so I suggest you get some shut eye.

Desean: Yeah I'm bouta pass out I'm exhausted.

Desean goes up to his room and lays down...

Desean:(Thinking) What was that power I unlocked, I could feel it running through my veins, I don't know how i did it, it was just extraordinary... Oh well I'll figure it out tomorrow, right now I need to get some shut eye.

End of Chapter 6

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