Chapter 30: Cousin Joseline part 3

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Ebok: (arriving to the amusement park) We're finally here.

Tez: What ride are we riding first?

Ebok: Heh, I haven't even bought the tickets yet.

Isis: The ticket stations are right over there.

Ebok: Alright let's go

Ebok, Isis, and Tez goes and buys tickets not knowing Joseline has snuck off.

Joseline: (Walking through the amusement park) What ride do I want to ride first?

Joseline walks through the amusement park examining all the rides, she walks and walks until she stumbles upon the main control room.
Joseline goes in the control room. The control room has buttons and gadgets everywhere with flashing lights. It is also empty.

Joseline: (thinking) Lets see what these buttons do.

Joseline starts pressing random buttons and moving random switches. After about 30 seconds the control room starts to malfunction. All of a sudden it explodes. During the explosion the computer fuses with her body causing her to have full control of the amusement park.


Ebok: What was that?!

Isis: Oh no don't tell me... Where's Joseline?

Tez: She's not here.

Isis: I'll track down her life force.

Ebok: Alright, I'll go check out that explosion.

Tez: a What about me?

Ebok: Stay here with Isis and make sure everyone is safe.

Tez: Got it

Ebok flies over to the explosion. He gets there and sees Joseline. Wires cover her eyes all the down to her feet, She seemed unconscious as the artificial intelligence controlled her body.

Ebok: Joseline! Joseline can you hear me?

Joseline didn't respond, noticing this Ebok's flew to her to try to unhook her from the cables, but a wire comes from behind him, wraps around his waist and throws him. Ebok's catches himself in the air.

Ebok: (thinking) It seems she can't hear me; damn it, this isn't going to be easy at all.


Isis: (thinking) From what I'm sensing, Ebok is fighting Joseline? I have to hurry and get there.

Isis starts running towards Ebok.

Tez: Isis? Where are you going?

Isis: Don't worry, just stay put and tell everyone to leave.

Tez: Alright got it.

Ebok: If it's a fight you want. That's what you're going to get.

Ebok starts to power up

Ebok: Haaaaa.

Ebok charges toward Cyborg Joseline. He sends a barrage of punches towards her, but she blocks and dodges them with her wires.

Ebok: Let's see how you handle this. Devil's Eye.

Isis:*running* He's using the Devil's Eye now? Things must be serious.

Back on the Battlefield...

Ebok: Take this!

Ebok charges at Cyborg Joseline. He throws a powerful punch at her stomach and connects. He rises slightly above her and elbows her in the back.

Ebok: Time to end this. Devil's Eye Beam! Haaa.

Ebok releases a ferociously big beam from eye and hits Cyborg Joseline head on.

The End of Chapter 30

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