Chapter 14: Akuma's Offer

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Setting: Ebok's house

Ebok falls asleep and has a dream. In his dream he sees a man name Akuma. He is extremely muscular with long gray hair. His beard wrapped in braids. He carries 3 swords on his back. 2 small ones on his right and a large one on his left.

Ebok: Where am I?

Akuma: Ebok, I have been watching you and seeing you struggle. You have true potential, but you are having trouble unlocking it. I offer my help to you.

Ebok: Wait who are you?

Akuma: I am Akuma, ruler of the Chaos Realm.

Ebok: Akuma? Akuma? Akuma! You were the god of the destruction.

Akuma: Well it seems you've done your homework. Now do you accept my offer?

Ebok: No way! you are a banished god.

Akuma: Very well then. But I will give you this as a sample to show you what power I can offer you.

Ebok: Huh?

Ebok's right eye changes from black to red...

Akuma: I gave you a sample of my power. Called The Devil's Eye. With this eye you can manipulate people, see through their attacks, and see their attacks, but this is not the full extent of this power, you must come to my realm if you want the rest.

Ebok's eye turn back to black, and he wakes up. He doesn't jump up though, he just lays there with his eyes open. He lays in the bed with his arms wrapped around Isis.

Ebok kisses Isis and wakes her up...

Ebok: Baby?

Isis: (yawning) Yes?

Ebok: I love you so much

Isis: I love you so much more baby.

Ebok: You really think so?

Isis: I know so *kisses Ebok on his cheek*

Ebok: Well you wanna start training?

Isis: Yes let's go...

Ebok and Isis get up and put their clothes back on and head outside.

Isis: Well let's start on focusing on your spiritual energy it seems to be your weakness.

Ebok: Yeah, I honestly don't know how to use it.

Isis: *giggles* Well you have to focus your physical energy into spiritual energy.

Ebok: ...How do I that?

Isis: Welllll...You know how you throw a punch? That's physical energy. Spiritual energy is when you create something with spirit, for example when you throw a punch or a kick your brain sends a message that makes that happen. When it comes to spiritual energy, your brain sends a message to your spirit causing it to react and create whatever it is you want to create.

Ebok: Okay, I think I can try that.

Isis: Yeah you can do it.

Ebok tries to do it and to his surprise he sends an air wave.

Ebok: Wow, I did it

Isis: I can also do it see? Isis sends an air wave.

Ebok: Wow, so you are actually strong. Hiding your power and stuff.

Isis: *giggles* I wouldn't say strong I just know the fundamentals, and I can think my way out of most situations.

Ebok: Ohhh I see, so you're a genius.

Isis: *giggles* thank you baby

Ebok: No problem, now let's get back to training.

Isis: Well you learned how to control your spiritual just like that so it's not really nothing else you can do.

Ebok: Well I had this dream, and Akuma came to me and gave me an ability called The Devil's Eye.

Isis: The God of Destruction gave you power?

Ebok: ummmm yeah

Isis: You know he's gonna want something in return.

Ebok: No it's not like that, I didn't really accept he kinda just forced it on me.

Isis: Hmmm, well I hope it's not a curse .

Ebok: It's not, I'm certain of it

Isis: Well for your sake I hope so.

Shén's hideout...

Shén: That's good, now I want you to control your form with your black energy.

Okura(in 77% of his beast form): Grrh, ahhhhh!, *pant* *pant* arrrgh, why can't I control iiiiiit!

Shén: Yes you can, use your black energy to maintain.

Okura(in 77% of his beast form: Errrg. Haaaaaaaaaa!

Okura creates an explosion as his black aura comes around him, he turns back to his regular self

Okura: *pant* *pant* finally...

Okura then passes out.

Shén: He's becoming stronger and stronger everyday, he might be ready before expected.

Shén then takes Okura inside, and lays him on his bed.

Jin:(thinking) Wow, he will soon surpass me if I don't watch it.

Shén: Well I don't usually train half-demons, but for you I will make an exception.

Jin: Hmph, what can you teach me that I don't know already?

Shén sends a cosmic energy wave at Jin, and sends him sliding on the ground.

Shén: It seems your defense is horrible.

Jin: You really think that? Well it seems I am highly underestimated.

Shén: Well you want to have a quick spar?

Jin: Hmph, Gladly (grins)

The end of Chapter 14

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