Chapter 36: Okura Vs. Jin

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Setting: Watchmen Station

Ken: Desean!

Desean jumps up startled.

Ken: Ahhhh, I forgot to tell you. Everyday we wake up 4:30.

Desean: (Tired and Irritated) Damn, why so early?

Ken: We have to be alert as early as possible, and because we have new evidence on the Book of Manning.

Desean: The Book of Manning?

Ken: Ahhh yes, we have to hide it from the public.

Desean: But why?

Ken: Because if they were apprised of what happened and the hands it may have gotten into... It could cause catastrophe.

Desean: Hmph, I understand.

Jin bursts through the door.


Jin: I *pant* I have *pant* I have information on the *pant* on Book of Manning.

Ken: What's your name? and how did you know about the book?

Jin explains his relationships with Shén and Okura and how he found out about the book. He also explained to them how he can travel from realm to realm and that he was a half demon. Ken is speechless.

Desean: Hmph. It shocked me too when I first found out, but when you really listen to it, it all makes sense.

Ken: We must retrieve it then, if that's where it is.

Jin: It won't be that easy. Akuma has demons surrounding every entrance into the Chaos Realm, and even if you do get past them you have to actually defeat Akuma, and there will be no chance of you beating him.

Ken: Well we must do something.

One of the Watchmen named Duke interrupts the discussion.

Duke: Sorry to interrupt chief, but there has been a disturbance in North Valley. Apparently Rowdy Rob has started up again.

Ken: Okay well let someone e-

Desean: Wait, let me take it.

Ken: Huh?

Desean: Let me take the call.

Ken: Oh so you want to take this one.

Desean: Yes.

Ken: Ahhh. Alright. Let's go. And uh Jin?

Jin: Wassup?

Ken: Come back tomorrow and we will discuss this subject more.

Jin: Will do.

Desean and Ken head out to North Valley, as Jin goes back to the Chaos Realm.

Setting change: Chaos Realm

As Jin arrives to the Chaos Realm where he is met by Okura.

Okura: Where have you been?

Jin: Okuraaa, I just about to go looking for you.

Okura: Really Jin? Outside of the realm? Haha, I've been ordered to kill you so please don't make it boring. *puts his guard up*

Jin: Ha, it was Akuma huh? *puts his guard up* After I destroy you in coming for him.

Okura: Haha I don't give a damn about him. I just want power and strength. And by killing you I will be granted that.

Jin: How do you know that? He could be using you.

Okura: Well there's only one way to find out. *grins*

Okura sprints toward Jin.

Okura: *Running* Let me show you how much stronger I have gotten.

Okura starts throwing multiple punches at Jin. Jin has difficulty dodging them.

Okura: *Still punching* Wow you're actually dodging my attacks. Haha, let me turn it up a notch.

Okura jumps back to power up.

Jin: ( thinking) No I can't let him reach that form.

Jin powers up and fires a ferocious blast at Okura.


His blast creates a large atmosphere of dust and smoke.

Jin still senses his energy. He flies in the air.

Jin: Just Die! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!...

Jin sends a barrage of blasts at the cloud of smoke until his energy runs out. Once his energy runs out he descends from the air out of breath.

Jin: (out of breath) *pant* *pant* That should do it.

Okura appears behind Jin.

Okura: Do what?

Jin: (Still facing forward) W-What?

Okura: *laughs I told you I've gotten much stronger. A childish attack like that can't take me out.

Jin: I... I... Can't bel-

Okura snaps Jin's neck before he could finish the sentence.

Okura: What a weakling.

Okura picks him up and takes him to Akuma...


Desean and Ken arrive at the scene of the crime, and a man who seems to be drunk sabotaging a store. He is extremely fat and stands about 6'7.

Rowdy Rob: Why... Why can't have any ice cream. *punches a wall*

Ken: Well you wanted to take the call, so take it.

Desean: Hmph. I got it.

Desean walks over to Rowdy Rob. He gently taps him. Rowdy Rob turns around.

Rowdy Rob: Who are... You.

Desean: I'm Desean I am the-


Rowdy Rob punches Desean through 4 aisles and he lands in a stack of cans.

Rowdy Rob: I don't know.... No Desean. Don't touch me.

Ken: (laughingly) Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you he has super duper strength, so watch out for those punches.

Desean climbs out of the rumble of cans.

Desean: I'm done talking.

Desean charges towards Rowdy Rob.

Rowdy Rob: You stupid fly.

Rowdy Rob swats at Desean, but Desean evades it. He keeps trying to attack Desean, but he keeps evading.

Desean: It's time for you to go to sleep.

Desean quickly moves on the side of Rowdy Rob's neck. He builds lightning around his hand and chops his neck, causing him to fall unconscious.

Ken: Good job*claps*

Desean: Hmph.

Ken: Now clean up this mess.

Desean: What?

Ken: You heard me now do it.

Desean: Whatever, *rolls eyes*

Desean starts picking up the trash

Ken: And also help Rob home, he needs it.

Desean: Yeah whatever.

The End of Chapter 36

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