Chapter 2: Elimination Day

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Mom: Wake up!, Time for school.

Ebok and Tez get ready for school, once their done getting ready they say goodbyes and go to school.

Ebok walks in class and sits by Isis who is here early today...

Ebok: Wassup

Isis: Hey... You know today is elimination day right?(sounding nervous)

Ebok: Yeah, it's gonna be a peice of cake.

Isis: yeah for you, you're extremely strong..., I'm done for(sounding sad)

Ebok: Hey don't worry about just use your sensory technique to sense out any of your opponents weaknesses and I'm sure you can win.

Isis: I'll try...

Commander Surry: is everyone here?, okay, so now this is the elimination part, It's 25 people in this classroom, only 5 can past.

The class talking and murmuring amongst each other, shocked at the announcement.

Commander Surry: I will split you all up into 5, I will select you randomly as I draw your names from this box.

As Commander Surry is drawing names he called Ebok's name.

Commander Surry: Ebok, Isis, Hitoshi, Nashi, and Ume, Team 4

Ebok and Isis rejoice and smile that they get to be on the same team.

Commander Surry: Now for the last team. Desean, James, Okura, Nissa, and Kim. Team 5

Everyone goes and joins they're team and talks to get to know their teammates better.

Isis: Well it looks like the only team we have to worry about is Desean's team.

Ebok: Hmph we can take em I know we can.

Commander Surry: Has everyone met their teammates? Now I will explain the test.

Everyone settles down and listens

Commander Surry: First lets go outside

Everyone is exiting the classroom and heading to the training ground.
Now everyone is at the training ground.

Commander Surry: Now this is how the test goes. Every team is going to be put in my elimination tournament and will battle other teams, the team that is unable to keep fighting or surrenders looses, the opposing team that causes this wins. Just because your team wins doesn't mean you're gonna make the 5, I will choose that, this is simply a test of your abilities. I will give you all 5 minutes to get ready.

Everyone prepares and tries to figure out strategies for the tournament.

Ebok: Okay team I think I shall be the leader. Does anyone oppose?

Ebok's teammates agree with him

Ebok: I believe we can take down every team, if you guys can follow my leadership... Since we are the only team to have a Sepoy, we have an advantage. We can sense our opponents abilities and how they work.

Ebok's team build up their strategies, and seem to have this one in the bag.
Over on Desean's team...

Kim: are you just going to meditate till the tournament starts?

Desean: All of you are weak, you don't compare to me, I am focused on 1 goal and 1 goal only. Passing this test is just an easy obstacle I have to past to get what I want. (Looking dead ass serious)

Okura: who doesn't compare(angry) I would crush you right now if it wasn't against the rules!

Desean: If you really are capable of that show me, show me just how strong you are during the tournament and maybe just maybe I'll respect you.

Okura: Hmph(smirking) you'll more than just respect, you'll fear me.

Desean: Yeah

Okura:(thinking) Arrogant fuck!

The five minutes ends...

Commander Surry: The five minutes are over, now all teams get ready cuz the tournament is about to begin.

Everyone gets ready for the next commandment...

Commander Surry: Now the first match will be Team 1 vs Team 2. Teams to center.

Team 1 and Team 2 walk to the center of the training field.

Commander Surry: Teams ready?, Begin!

Team 1 and team 2 battle an extremely amazing fight, 1 kid dies. Team 2 wins

Commander Surry: Well that was an amazing battle, Now it's time for the next one... Team 3 vs 4. Teams to center!

Ebok: Okay everyone lets go

Isis: I'm nervous

Ebok: Dont worry you have me watching your back(smiles)

Isis: Yeah I do(blushing)

Team 4 and team 3 come to center.

Commander Surry: Teams ready? Begin

Isis senses they're power level and they are all lower than 15... A guy from team 3 charges towards Ebok. Ebok dodges....

Ebok: (ducking) you gotta be quicker than that, Mass times 10.

Ebok increases his gravitational force and increases the force of his fist by 10, making it heavier and more powerful, but keeps it looking the same.

Ebok: Haaaaaa! Take this (Swings a right)

Ebok swings and breaks his opponent's face. The opposing team sees this and surrenders.

Desean: Well it seems there might be some competition in this tournament after all.

Commander Surry: Team 4 wins, Team 4 do you want to battle again?

Ebok: Most definitely that was just a warmup.

Commander Surry: (smiling at Ebok's energy) okay team 5 to center!

Team 5 gets ready...

Okura: Now let me show you just how strong I am.

Desean: Yeah we'll see.

Team 5 comes to center. Desean and Ebok have a stare off.

Commander Surry: Teams ready? Begin!

End of Chapter 2

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