Chapter 33: 1 Minute Melee

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Setting: South Hospital

Commander Surry: Everyone! I have some important news.

Ebok: Wassup?

Commander Surry: Well you each will have someone different to train you for the upcoming tournament.

Desean: Different trainers?

Isis: What do you mean? I thought you trained us?

Ebok: Yeah, you're the only teacher I'm comfortable with.

Commander Surry: See I'm not your trainer. I'm your Commander, and plus you need someone who really can focus on your weaknesses and make them strengths.

Desean: So who's going to be our new teachers?

Commander Surry: It's good you asked... *smirks* follow me.

Ebok and the others follow Commander Surry outside of the hospital.

Ebok: So where are th-

As Ebok is talking a highly advanced helicopter lands in from of them. A Tubian woman jumps out. She is a light brown skin woman with black tights and black shades. On her upper body she had on a bra with a long black unbuttoned trench coat.

Commander Surry: Everyone meet Ms Catherine.

Catherine steps forward.

Catherine: Hello Team Surry. I am an Elite warrior, ex-watchmen, and I graduated 1st in my class... The 3 of you will all have a 1 minute melee against me.

Desean: I really don't like to hit girls.

Catherine: (laughingly) Please you couldn't hit me if you tried.

Desean: Hmph. Let's go right now.

Catherine: Good we're in front of a hospital so when I beat you into a pulp; we don't have to take the time of taking you to one.

Desean: Here I come...

As Desean gets ready to attack Catherine she stops him.

Catherine: Wait... You're a Inazuma right? Fight me in your full power.

Desean: Hmph*smirks* that's suicide...

Desean powers up to his sun lightning form.

Catherine: (thinking) Wow he's only 16 and he can reach his sun lightning form? I know some watchmen who can't even reach that. And his spiked up. I see why Commander Surry thinks he's the strongest of them all.

Desean: (smirking) Are you ready? Or did I scare you?

Catherine: Scared? No, impressed? Just a little... But let's see what you can really do.

Desean: Alright, here I come.

Desean starts running full speed at Catherine. He gets in front of her and jumps. He tries to come down with a kick putting his heel first. She steps back causing Desean to miss as his foot hits the ground, leaving yellow lightning where his foot was.

Desean: Hmph

Desean charges at Catherine again. He throws multiple punches, but Catherine blacks them all. After blocking the punches, Catherine flips behind Desean and elbows him in the back of his neck causing him to fall unconscious.

Ebok:(thinking) Desean, beaten that easily?

Catherine: That was fun. Now who's next?

Ebok steps up.

Ebok: I'll go*smirks*

Catherine: Hmm a Juryoku? This might be fun.

Ebok: Desean fought you at full power, so I'm going to too, but I don't think you've seen anything like this.

Catherine: Try me.

Ebok starts to build up his energy.

Ebok: Mass times 100!

Catherine: (thinking) So he multiplied his mass. Let's see how interesting this can be.

Ebok: *puts his guard up* You ready?

Catherine: Ask yourself that.

Ebok: Ha, let me show you.

Ebok starts running toward Catherine. He throws a jab at her chest. She blocks it by crossing her forearms as she stumbles back. Ebok keeps attacking her, but instead of blocking she dodges.

Catherine: (thinking) *dodging the attacks* Wow this kid packs a punch. I have to dodge instead of block.

Ebok:(thinking) *frustrated* Why can't I hit her?

Ebok continues to throw punches, but they don't have any vail. Catherine catches one of Ebok's arms and throws him into the ground as she holds his arm twisting it. She sees that Ebok can't do anything and she lets go.

Catherine: Well you tried.

Ebok: *dusting himself off* Wow that's some good defense.

Catherine: Oh please, I was holding back.

Ebok looks at her with a surprised look.

Catherine: Ahh finally I get to fight one of my own. A sepoy.

Ebok: You're a sepoy?

Catherine: Well yeah didn't Surry tell you that? *looks over at Surry*

Commander Surry: *rubbing his head* Haha I guess I sorta forgot.

Ebok: Wow you're strong for a sepoy.

Catherine: Well yeah in my opinion a sepoy is the strongest thing you can be, but back to work... *turns toward Isis* you ready?

Isis: Yeah! Don't count me out.

Commander Surry: She was a shy, nervous girl. Now she's confident. They are really developing extremely fast.

Isis and Catherine size up each other as they seem to read each other. Catherine makes the first move. She charges at Isis with a bicycle kick. Isis slides under here. Catherine finishes the bicycle kick and turns around. She rushes and Isis throwing multiple blows. Catherine throws the 6th blow and connects, but she hits an image.

Catherine: (thinking) What the-

Before she can finish her thought, Isis comes down with a ferocious kick to the face causing Catherine to fall back.

Catherine catches herself.

Catherine: *wiping her mouth* The image multiplier? But when?

Isis: When you were doing your bicycle kick. I did it and instantly moved out while everyone else focused on the image they thought was me.

Catherine: Smart. Very smart.

Desean: *waking up from being knocked out* Ergh. What happened.

Ebok: You got knocked out haha.

Desean: Hmph. Whatever.

Catherine: Surry. It looks like I've made a decision.

Commander Surry: Oh really who did you choose?

Catherine: I choose Isis.

Isis: Me?

Catherine: Well duh you were the only one to hit me, and you did it through brains not brawn.

Isis: *blushing* Well you knooooow.

Catherine: Well we can't bask in the moment we must get to the training fast.

Isis: Yes ma'am just a second.

Isis walks up to Ebok and kisses him.

Isis: I love you

Ebok: I love you more little one. Now go and get stronger.

Isis: *smiling* Haha okay baby. Bye.

Ebok: *smiling* bye baby.

Isis jogs off to the helicopter. The rest of Team Surry watches as Isis flies off.

End of Chapter 33

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