Chapter 9: The search

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Setting: The bridge
Okura and Shén have started their walk to North Region

Okura: This will be my first time going to North Region

Shén: You have nothing to worry about child, the Tubians here are weaker than the ones in South Region.

Okura: Yeah this Jin guy isn't according to you.

Shén: As long as we fight him together we have a 100% chance of winning.

Okura: Okay, how exactly strong is he anyway.

Shén: Hmmm... He's about the same as Commander Surry.

Okura: Okay, well this will be a good chance to test my strength.

Shén: You may test your strength, but don't get reckless, he will kill you without the slightest of hesitation.

Okura: Yeah yeah, whatever we'll see...

Over at Ebok's house.

Ebok: I still can't do it (frustrated)

Isis: Well, you could try using your spiritual energy.

Ebok: I don't know how to

Isis: Huh?, How?

Ebok: I never really concentrated on it, I always used my gravity ability.

Isis: Well I'm going to teach you how to use it.

Ebok: Okay I learn fast so it won't take long.

Over where Desean stays.

Desean: I need to try out this new form.

Desean powers up into his Sun Lightning form...

Desean: (thinking) wow this power is a little hard to control. I need to train with it more.

While Desean is practicing his new power his dad comes out to the training field to see him train.

Serif: You're always training why don't you take time out to relax.

Desean ignores him and keeps training.

Serif: Did you hear me?

Desean continues to ignore him...

Serif rushes to him and grabs his arm.

Serif: What is wrong with you?

Desean: You see how it feels to be ignored, treated like you're not there.

Serif is quiet...

Desean: Hmph,

Desean goes to his room.

Over in North Region...

Shén: It looks like we're here

Okura: Okay, so how do we find him.

Shén: Well since he's a sepoy he will most likely sense our power and come running.

Okura: Alright then.

Shén: But until then let's ask around...


Jin: Hmmm how should I kill you?

Old woman: Please don't I'll... I'll do anything

Jin: Give me your soul

Old woman: My... My soul

Jin: Yes yes your soul you stup-... Is that who I think it is?

Old Wonan: (confused) Huh?

Jin then jets off to go to the power he's sensing...

Shén: He's coming

Okura: I can't wait

Jin arrives...

Jin: If it isn't Shén, we definitely got some catching up to do. (Grins)

Shén: How many souls do you have?

Jin: Hmmmm about 20

Shén: 20 Huh? Well there is no way I'm letting you send that to Akuma.

Jin: (laughs) You act as if you can stop me.

Shén; Well we will just have to find out.

Jin charges at Shén...

The End of chapter 9

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